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1 year ago

Thank you!!

And thank you again!

1 year ago

Oh no, can we go back to the before-times on the WW change? We don't need tokens anymore. Let's go back. XD

1 year ago

the ww encounter rates being nerfed when they’re already so bad… lmao

i once went 600 turns without getting a single ww encounter. but yeah let’s nerf it even more

1 year ago
The Itchy
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Thanks for the update!!!!!! I actually don't mind the 100 tokens. It still feels like we are getting something with every missed wolf, and 100 tokens will keep the ww market from being flooded later down the line (it's flooded now because there are only so many wolves being breed vs. people hunting for ww)

Edit: I personally have not had that bad of luck with encounters. It's rng, it's not perfect. I feel bad for those who have bad rng luck though

1 year ago

Not gonna lie… the knucklebone system is disappointing ;; Lowering rate and without specifying the new rate and needing 100 knuckles bones and requires hunting and requires pebbles. It just seems like a lot of over-balancing for a system that's meant to give unlucky players, especially those with less time on their hands, a safety net. But it just feels like it only benefits players that grind a lot and doesn't really change much for more casual players other than maybe getting a free WW every once in a blue moon ;;

Edit: Didn't even realize the food nerf, I also don't think that's a good idea for balancing

1 year ago
The Handy
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I'm happy there's a buy wild wolf option at all. The price is a little high, but if you compare it to unhatched eggs on FR, those are totally up to the RNG, so this is an improvement. Also, in 100 missed encounters, you'll probably attract a few the normal way anyway.

Thank you for all the fixes. It's been really fun playing so far and I think things are only going to get better.

1 year ago

Lowered wild wolf rates AND it costs 100 knucklebones and 15k pebbles for one? This is ridiculous….

1 year ago

Yeah, this is just a direct campaign nerf. Less food drops + larger enemy encounters means people can't sustain campaign grinds with just food drops; this paired with making already rare WW encounters rarer and the 100 knucklebone tokens just makes me think staff doesn't actually want us to be able to grind for them, lol. I'd rather the old system without tokens than this.

1 year ago
The Companion
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I was already getting no wolves... I was impatiently waiting for this system... And now it's nerfed with a really expensive rate of tokens... That and my area was messed up by the addition of moths which adds an extra zone... I'm disappointed, I didn't expect that... Let's go, no more wolves, when I already had barely 1 or 2 a day...


Excuse my bad English but I'm French ^^'

Pronouns : She / He

I am not very active on the game. I mainly connect every 3 months for the clan festival. Outside of these periods, my playing time is zero or almost zero. For an urgent request, contact me on my FR account : Zoruna#321579. However, please do not contact me there for off-site trades, if I have not requested it, I do not accept it, unless I have requested it myself, thank you.

1 year ago

I gotta agree with the last couple posts. Nerfing WW encounter rates AND having us need 100 tokens seems excessive.

I know that we are early in the game, and all wolves are a commodity in high demand. However, if we look at Flight Rising as a sort of template about what people value in this kind of game long-term, G1s are always going to be in high demand. Specifically, nice looking G1s. Those are hard enough to find on FR where there are 3 color slots, and only 2 of them are guaranteed to show. In Lorwolf, there are four color slots (five if you count the eyes! Which are also completely randomized, unlike in FR!) and all four of them show on the pet no matter what.

This makes finding nice-looking G1s waaaaaaaaay rarer. It seems to me that the WW drop rate should be higher than the unhatched egg droprate in FR. Because middling G1s are selling for now, but when peoples' dens are full of wolves in six months, nine months, a year, nobody is going to want to buy ugly G1s. So recruiting a wild wolf is going to be significantly less fun and rewarding. Like, oh boy, another brown/pink/cyan/dark green monstrosity to throw back into the woods. Whoopee.

By making ugly G1s so rare, and hence finding pretty matchy ones nearly impossible, you're just discouraging people from playing the numbers at all.

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