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1 year ago

HM HM HM this is interesting! Don't worry, people, the site is still very much getting adjusted, these changes are normal and will very likely be tweaked as more feedback is submitted. It's about balancing and a lot of things need to be tested first.

Anyways, for now I don't know how big of a difference the food nerf will make for me specifically, but I can certainly see less-grindy people being affected. It's nice to have food, ngl. However, what I am a bit concerned with are the “boss” encounters that now have additional enemies alongside them AND…do they not drop pebbles anymore? I would prefer if they still did :( I'm not sure though, maybe just Chiropta doesn't? Is there any reliable way to preview Companion pages without having to own them?

YES. YES THERE IS. Sorry, I just remembered how to do it, I forgot since early access.

1 year ago

Whoo patches sounds good so far will be fun to follow the process to see how it will grow.

1 year ago

I'm loving the change to the cooking feature - it's simple but makes such a big difference lol

Also very excited about the knucklebones!

1 year ago
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I don't care very much about the WW but as someone who likes to grind various activities on the occasional days that I can play, nerfing the food drops is not great news. It will likely reduce my play time even more.

1 year ago
191 Achievements
General Rank 3
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Crafting Rank 2
Farming Rank 1
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Mining Rank 1

Once more updating. I have not been neglecting my farm nor cooking, but with an almost three hour grind for trinkets and ww in Icerun 4th spot (had to have three wolves in order to even beat the dang boss), I was able to get three wolves leveled from 1 to 10, 23 wolf encounters, no wolves bringing back home, and literally ran out of food. Here's hoping that I can even grind food back up, otherwise I won't really be able to do any more grind sessions in the future due to the nerf in food. Mind you, this was after building up quite the storage of food.

1 year ago
The Achievement Hunter
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Cooking Rank 2
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Farming Rank 3
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Hunting Rank 1
Mining Rank 1

Really unhappy with the bosses now having buddies. Since I've been a casual player, I was grinding with 2 wolves + 2 companions and could sometimes beat the boss and sometimes not, which seems reasonable since only one was at max level at the time. Now it's literally impossible unless you have a full team of maxed wolves/companions which means at minimum 3 wolves. And three wolves eat a LOT. Nerfing the food drop rates is not exactly helpful in addition to making the boss battles so much harder!

1 year ago

Coming back again… New vespen with its two buddies just completely annihilated my three wolves - not to mention I had to hunt it down first and burn through four full stamina bars in the process, which depletes food ridiculously quickly.

I hope this gets addressed, because this is very very sad :(

1 year ago

Not really happy with the food getting changed up. I barely have time to play between work and working on custom apparel (barely have time for that too) to go hunting for wild wolves.

1 year ago

Please revert the food change… I'm a very casual player and now it's near impossible to keep my wolves consistently fed while in the campaign. IMO the previous drops were fine, I don't understand the change?

1 year ago

The food change feels painful but necessary imo. With the old system there wasn't much point to farming or fishing. The arena change feels like a step in the right direction, I just wish they would increase the rewards for winning

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