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1 year ago
The Exhausted
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Nothing like going to grind for trinkets to sell, only to have your fully levelled team of 3 braccs, a torcine, and a canictonis absolutely annihilated by the boss and his new friends.

EDIT: Holy heck! I actually won a boss battle! By the sheer skin of my teeth, though. -flops- Think I'll skip grinding for the night. lol

EDIT #2: Decided not to skip grinding for trinkets, but roughly two hours later, and that skin of the teeth win is still my only win. Man, I used to really enjoy grinding for boss battle trinkets. :')))

★ Roux ★ Adult ★ LWT+0 ★ Ping @27 ★
1 year ago
The Apprentice
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Alright, honestly there's a lot to unpack here (pun intended)!

First of all - genuinely, I was looking forwards to the Befriend Token, since getting Wild Wolves to drop or the encounter at all seems pretty few and far between, and I'm frankly shocked that it's 50 of the items needed plus a 15K pebble tax on top of that, only to come into the comments and see it was originally 100 items + nerfed encounter ratio? While I'm glad the team has been open and transparent in communication about it, 50 still seems like a lot to me. If it's a 1 in 10 chance to get a WW out of the scenario, logically it should take 10 of the items to guarantee one. 50 still seems quite excessive to me as a casual player; I rarely ever see those encounters to begin with. So I'm going to be frank that this update is still rather disappointing to me.


Secondly, the food nerf really needs to be addressed. You've headed in a step in the right direction by addressing the Befriend Token issue, but many players throughout the comments addressed concerns about that, too. Not providing any feedback on why it was implemented and whether or not you're going to do anything to address this issue is not a good thing, especially when it negatively impacts gameplay as much as it does. It's taken a system that people enjoyed how it worked, and making it worse and not fun for just about everyone.

Food is a huge part of the game; every single activity pretty much requires food/stamina to sustain gameplay, so nerfing food sources is not a good idea. It just makes it more difficult to actually do any other activity, especially since getting food from other sources is a slow endeavor, and has a timer or a limit on it. Part of what makes Flight Rising so successful as a game, is its ability to allow any type of person to play it - be a casual or a intense gamer, the amount of content you get from the game is dependent on the individual effort you put into it.

For instance, you're able to make money on FR continuously by training + exalting in the Coliseum. While it does have a cap on the Fairgrounds with how much treasure can be made there daily, the Coliseum is an activity that's endless and dependent on the player's input for how much someone gets out of it. So if you don't have that much time to devote to it, that's okay, because you can still make some money from it - or if you have tons of time, you can get things too. It's friendly towards all playstyles, and the amount of time/effort people can spend on it (assuming it's accessible to that person).

Lorwolf has this to some extent; the tasks you're given that continuously refresh. However, this is not a constant source of gameplay, since many of these tasks take time to finish, and they're a lot more like how Baldwin's from FR would work. For someone who has focus issues like with ADHD or autism (read: me), being able to fixate on a single thing for the amount of time I want to stay fixated on it is an important aspect to gameplay. So, this is where your Campaign/Explore comes in. For that, it's literally your constant gameplay loop. And for that reason, it REALLY should not have its food nerfed; if you can no longer sustain constant gameplay from it, people will have their runs cut short. They may WANT to spend more time on the game, but now they're unable to because they don't get enough food to sustain that run for however long they wish to focus on it. It stops being something that is friendly towards all gameplay styles, and pushes it towards a fixed gameplay: only check back every few hours once your stamina has regenerated over time, or wait on the other various food sources to “finish.” It interrupts gameplay, and let me tell you as a person with ADHD/autism: if my focus gets interrupted at all, forget it. I'm no longer fixated on that task; I've been distracted, my immersion broken, and executive dysfunction can make it a real pain to get focused again when you're constantly being interrupted. It breaks that gameplay loop, and it will 100% lower the interest in playing the game for many people.

Nerfing the food is an incredibly bad idea because of the fact you can no longer sustain a single wolf in the Campaign - how are you supposed to bring an entire team there? It becomes a frustrating endeavor instead of something fun to spend your time on, instead of something that you can choose how much or how little you'd like to invest in it, especially for people that may have a limited amount of time to already spend on the game - why limit that even more? It's very unfriendly design-wise, especially for newer players who are just starting out and already struggling on having enough wolves to spread throughout the various activities so that they have enough stamina for everything.

At this point, it also makes it difficult to even level up wolves - how is one supposed to get enough food to sustain leveling when you don't even get that amount from a single wolf's Exploration? By comparison, Flight Rising nets you food in ALMOST every single battle, which is ALSO used for an energy/stamina bar that is used in various activities like breeding. Meaning that if you just actually play the game, you can sustain your Coliseum run. For THREE dragons at a time, not just one. For Lorwolf, not all encounters even guarantee food to begin with, and nerfing it even more makes it a lot more difficult to, for even just ONE wolf. Do you see why FR is successful in its design, and the way you're approaching Lorwolf doesn't quite work if you're going to nerf it?

The food nerf either needs to be addressed as to why these changes were implemented, or reverted. It actually kills your gameplay and how fun it is for people. I would really like to see this in particular have some open communication about why these changes were made when it makes the game quite unfun in my opinion.


Thirdly, I do like some of these quality-of-life updates. The cooking one having the most you can add to it is super useful; I sometimes play on mobile, and that makes it a lot easier to throw things into the pot, so thank you for that. :> And the issue with cooking disappearing, because that was beginning to get kind of inconvenient / frustrating. So thank you for the other updates; I just wish the other primary concern would be looked into!



1 year ago

Does that mean the wild wolf encounters is higher? I used to only get 1 or 2 a day i don't grind i play when ever feel like it. I try to play once or twice a day mostly daily stuff. Sometimes none at all show up. One I have I bought I got lucky in early access first one joined me none after. This time all wild wolf encounters been fails was hoping to have 1 before first pups became adults that didn't happen. So if its higher chance it won't be a struggle to collect bones then Im 100% up for it. I'm glad theirs better way to go about this. ^^

I don't know how feel about nerfing food drop yet. Hopefully doesn't effect me much thou use 3 wolves on my team they go through my stores fast. Then having to do other stuff that adds to energy loss it probably will effect me in some way.


Food nerfing doesn't bother me at all ^^

Wild wolves only gotten 1 fail attempt this will probably take me 2 months to collect 50 the 15k is fine. Still better than original where you got nothing. I probably just see how many i can collect over time.

1 year ago
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I actually don’t mind food drop rates being reduced, my inventory is overflowing with food items. XD It will probably be good for balancing the game if getting food from campaign is slightly less easy.

I’m glad you changed your mind on the decreased chance of ww encounters and number of tokens needed, the updated version sounds much more reasonable. I didn’t expect the tokens to be connected to hunting, that’s a neat solution.

All other changes and bug fixes sound good. Thank you to everyone on the team for all your hard work! I really enjoy playing Lorwolf so far! :)

1 year ago

I unsure just like some people in the thread. I personally think the solution for ww is a good one. If it was like 10 or 20 tokens that increases the amount of wolves by 2 or 1.5 times, which is a loot more. I think 50 failed encounters feels like it would happen often enough but not like you can just spam getting more wolves to easily. And a pebble sink is also much appreciated.

With the food so far, I haven't noticed a problem with sustaining a wolf on the campaign alone. I could see it being a problem for some people but I think we should all let it set for a few days. Once wolves become more common, you can easily have multiple wolves around in your cave. For a casual player who only plays for a short time, you get one free stamina bar every 4ish(? something like that) hours, anad another one when you switch who is in the profession. 200 free energy as a start each day per profession isnt too bad. Plus a little more from campaign or farming or cooking/fishing, and I think it could be ok. For more dedicated players, we may just have to play a little more carefully, and rely on each other a little more. Maybe just choosing a couple of things to go hard at instead of full steam on everything all the time. The thing about that is the priority to use the gauntlet and hunting may go down and it will slow our ability to get moonshards. I think a suggestion about a chance for released wolves giving moonshards could be a nice move towards a solution. I also may have bias in my attitude given I can juggle things easier with the use of multiple moniters.

1 year ago
The Curious
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I wanted to reiterate a thank you for a quick response to feedback! I also wanted to share another 2 cents about the food nerf—honestly I was so quickly loaded with food that it made me question why the system even existed to begin with. It was so, so easy, that it felt like, why even bother losing energy and feeding when you are guaranteed to have food stores anyways? So I really wasn’t expecting it to last. I do think its neat to have a game that can be played as long as people want, but to me it makes more sense in the long run if food is more scarce. Gives reason to sell food on the flea market again, and reason to switch between wolves more. Mostly I just felt like the game was way too easy to the degree of being pointless, so I’m glad to see more balancing happening. I guess time will tell how it actually feels, but I am grateful that the central mechanic of the game has more purpose now.


Flight Rising | Poison Pups

26 | 3D Character Artist | Game Dev | Metalhead

1 year ago

The cooking page has been a joy to use since the update - thank you. And I can cook my bear meat now! Very pleasing.

1 year ago
The Tactful
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Thanks for reading everyone's feedback and having such a quick response to the knucklebone cost. :) I agree, 100 bones and reduced encounter rates was a little too steep. 50 is much more reasonable!

I don't have any feelings on the nerfed food drops yet, I'll have to see how that plays out in the long run.

Also glad these QOL updates are still coming. I'm personally anxious for more for the forums/pings!


1 year ago

Thank you for reading our feedback and responding so quickly. 50 knucklebones I think will be much better received than 100, as well as keeping the current ww encounter rate. Thank you, and Moonblessings!

1 year ago

Made food selection auto-fill the max amount in dropdown

Thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

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