I'm glad about the fix for WWs and tokens, thank you for reading everyone's concerns. I was also severely disappointed with the original statement of what was put in the patch notes.
But I'm still disappointed with the reduction in food. I can see why it was being done, but now that you are forced to have 2 fully leveled wolves and companions (at least for me) in the campaign to grind in the 4th area now for the bosses (plus two more enemies you added n), that takes up more food now every time you need to refill the stamina. Even with grinding food with fishing, cooking, and farming, you have to wait most of the time to get more. For the latter, you likely need to stay on top of it to get an increased amount of food. You'll burn through that stack quicker than you can grind more out. I just feel that everything is going to grind to a halt once everyone starts running severely low on food and can only do campaign a few times a day to try and save up food for the next short run.
It would be nice to know the exact reason why they implemented a reduction to the food you get while campaigning when I don't think anyone suggested a reduction to food was necessary. I can see this limits the amount of time to spend in campaigns, but also impacts the ability to try and get wild wolves, which is the main draw to the site. It also would hurt new players who are just starting out, with getting limited amounts of food as they work their way up through the story while leveling the professions. If the nerf does indeed stays, then why not add in more ways to obtain more food to level the playing field a little?