@kniotson Sending pebbles
i wish for moonstones, knucklebones, or a companion
@Audhoney sending a companion and a knucklebone!wishing for CA, any scarf, or any color robe from the MM
@ryph0bic Sending a scarf!
i wish for knucklebones, moonstones, or an apparel item
@Audhoney sending some apparel!
I wish for any CA :), moonstones, or a pretty vol!
@DuskWolf sending a vol!wishing for CA, MM apparel, or pebbles
@ryph0bic - Send 5,000 pebbles!
I wish for companions or pretty wolves (any species)
@KeeblerSweets Sending companion!
I wish for bone paste (bigger amount like 50-99) moonnstones or pebbles
Please be sure you are following rule 1 with your requests.
@Gniotson Sending some bonepaste and some pebbles.
I wish for a Lorium Spauders Recipe, a pretty Bracchus, or 5k pebbles.
@Synesthesia, sending you Bracchus!I wish for ms, pebbles or bone paste (at least 25, please)