I actually LOVE all the greens, basically every wolf I own intentionally has green. xD For me blue is the evil one, or yellow. It always ends up being a jarring saturated blue with otherwise complimentary colors.
For the longest time, all my WWs kept coming with different shades of green. Now while I don't hate the color green, it is kind of annoying to see it keep popping up. It's like 90% of the color wheel is green instead of a small section. Is rng for green at a higher rate than others to have most of the WWs come out with green somewhere on their body when they come home with a player? Right now I have escaped the curse somewhat, but I still get green kids at various points.
I love the greens :( My biggest thing is the dreaded beiges that pop up. There's always a colour that outright clashes with the beautiful gradients I get