Oh man, I've played so many I'm not sure if I could remember them all. I joined so many as a kid and teen, literally always joining any site I could find.
Neopets was my first game back in 2006, with Marapets, Webkinz, and Subeta later after the dress up revamp happened and I migrated off to other sites in frustration as a kid with way too much free time, haha.
I spent a very long time in middle school too in a place known as Grophland too that still has a very special place in my heart with those goofy slugs. MoshiMonsters (rip) was a huge favorite at the time too
Flight Rising had got me back into pet games as an adult and I still play Neopets, Subeta, Flight Rising, and Rescreatu very occasionally on and off. Lorwolf I think hits the itch for me that Furvilla and Dappervolk just missed.
I've had a commitment problem with a lot of games for various reasons, so I've bounced around a lot and some I visit far more frequently than others these days.
I've been meaning to do a huge masterlist and personal review of a bunch of pet sites as a sort of personal project since I've been entertaining the idea more now of trying to build one of my own as a way to get some real world experience programming projects and running communities as a developer, and I've gotten really kneedeep into studying game design theory & development as a result.
Here's all the ones I've played that I remember:
Neopets, Icepets, Chibipaws (rip), Howrse, Lioden, Rescreatu, Subeta, Marapets, Sylestia, Mweor, Wolvden, Gryffs, Webkinz, Xanje, Furvilla, Ovipets, GPX Plus, Pokefarm Q, Pokemon Crater (also rip), Dragcave, Grophland, Chickensmoothie, Tattered World, Dappervolk, Mycena Cave, Furrypaws, Pocket Puma Pets, Exabyss, Goatlings, Aywas, Misticpets, Acitius (rip), Verpets, Flying for Home, Leayph, Canis Novus, Figment (love this game but it's still super alpha sadly ;;),
And these are ones I've heard of, but never got around to trying: Felisfire, Pixel Cat's End, Wajas, Pixpet, Celestial Equine, PokemonPets, Ichumon, Leviathan Myth, Beastkeeper, Protochroma, Khimeros, Novilar, Leporidae, Evosaur, Magistream, Animal Jam (kinda avoiding ngl)