Attention: Abundant Activities has begun!
1 year ago
Alestrius' WW Hunting Log

As the bio of my poor wolf is getting too crowded, I've made the tough choice to move this to a forum thread. I apologize if anyone finds this thread spammy or annoying – I do have a Suggestion for a Quests/Goals/Wishlists/Challenges subforum here, but until that's implemented, Lorwolf Discussion is apparently the correct place to be, stated by mods on two separate occasions.

1 year ago

Old Luck:

#2625 Darkspine Den Stage 2: The Neck - Wagged (5/9/23) [first ever! and lucky colours. ;o; 1/86.]

(No picture taken)

Leona #15206 Darkspine Den Stage 3: Blackwater Pines - Wagged (5/10/23) [2/111 total, 1/25 specifically, 1/21 that day]

Sale Wolf# 15438 Goldsea Den Stage 1: Zanthous - Wagged (5/10/23) [3/115 total, 1/4 specifically, 2/25 that day]

#15722 Goldsea Den Stage 2: Elius' Watch - Wagged (5/10/23) [4/117 total, 1/2 specifically, 3/27 that day]

#15859 Goldsea Den Stage 1: Zanthous - Wagged (5/10/23) [5/119 total, 1/2 specifically, 4/29 that day]

#15937 Goldsea Den Stage 1: Zanthous - Wagged (5/10/23) [6/122 total, 1/3 specifically, 5/32 that day]

#16206 Goldsea Den Stage 3: Western Barrens - Wagged (5/10/23) [7/128 total, 1/6 specifically, 6/38 that day]

#16288 Goldsea Den Stage 3: Western Barrens - Wagged (5/11/23) [8/133 total, 1/5 specifically, 7/43 that day]

#16480 Goldsea Den Stage 3: Western Barrens - Wagged (5/11/23) [9/146 total, 1/13 specifically, 8/56 that day]

#16976 Goldsea Den Stage 1: Zanthous - Wagged (5/11/23) [10/151 total, 1/6 specifically, 1/1 that day!!]

#17822 Goldsea Den Stage 3: Western Barrens - Wagged (5/11/23) [11/160 total, 1/9 specifically, 2/10 that day!!]

#19658 Goldsea Den Stage 1: Zanthous - Wagged (5/12/23) [12/171 total, 1/11 specifically, 1/3 that day]

#19689 Goldsea Den Stage 1: Zanthous - Wagged (5/12/23) [13/172 total, 1/1 specifically, 2/4 that day]

#19805 Goldsea Den Stage 1: Zanthous - Wagged (5/12/23) [14/177 total, 1/5 specifically, 3/9 that day]

Amethyst #20545 Goldsea Den Stage 1: Zanthous - Wagged (5/12/23) [15/184 total, 1/7 specifically, 4/16 that day]

#20722 Goldsea Den Stage 1: Zanthous - Wagged (5/12/23) [16/192 total, 1/8 specifically, 5/24 that day – Double Sprout]

#21646 Darkspine Den Stage 1: The Neck - Wagged (5/13/23) [17/199 total, 1/7 specific, 1/2 that day]

#21894 Darkspine Den Stage 1: The Neck - Wagged (5/13/23) [18/202 total, 1/3 specific, 2/5 that day]

#23767 Darkspine Den Stage 1: The Neck - Wagged (5/14/23) [19/212 total, 1/10 specific, 1/2 that day. Oops, mobile screenshot…]

#25154 Goldsea Den Stage 1: The Neck - Wagged (5/15/23) [20/215 total, 1/3 specific, 1/3 that day.]

#25346 Goldsea Den Stage 1: The Neck - Wagged (5/15/23) [21/220 total, 1/5 specific, 2/8 that day.]

#25508 Goldsea Den Stage 3: Western Barrens - Wagged (5/15/23) [22/228 total, 1/8 specific, 3/16 that day.]

#25539 Goldsea Den Stage 3: Western Barrens - Wagged (5/15/23) [23/229 total, 1/1 specific, 4/17 that day.]

#28619 Icerun Den Stage 2: The Black Hills - Wagged (5/17/23) [24/260 total, 1/33 specific, 0/9 that day.]

#29399 Goldsea Den Stage 3: Western Barrens - Wagged (5/18/23) [25/284 total, 1/24 specific, 2/33 that day.]

#32289 Icerun Den Stage 3: Western Barrens - Wagged (5/19/23) [26/296 total, 1/12 specific, 1/4 that day.]

(You can see why the bio was getting crowded…) New posts going forward will only be made when I find a wolf, not when I fail, in an attempt to reduce clutter.

1 year ago

#32392 Goldsea Den Stage 3: Western Barrens - Wagged (5/19/23) [27/298 total, 1/2 specific, 2/6 that day.]

Also, double Saffron.

1 year ago

#32538 Goldsea Den Stage 3: Western Barrens - Wagged (5/19/23) [28/302 total, 1/4 specific, 3/10 that day.]

1 year ago

#34467 Goldsea Den Stage 3: Western Barrens - Wagged (5/20/23) [29/314 total, 1/12 specific, 1/3 that day.]

Eyes: Tan
Accent: Timber Iolite
Under: Cozen Reed
Top: Timber Chestnut
Base: Tawny
1 year ago

#36145 Goldsea Den Stage 3: Western Barrens - Wagged (5/20/23) [30/331 total, 1/17 specific, 1/1 that day.]

Eyes: Tomato
Accent: Cozen Fern
Under: Brush Ice
Top: Brush Caramel
Base: Pecan
1 year ago

#44228 Darkspine Den Stage 1: The Neck - Wagged (5/26/23) [31/338 total, 1/7 specific, 1/1 that day.]

Eyes: Spruce
Accent: Brush Lavender
Under: Cozen Apricot
Top: Timber Elderberry
Base: Jade
1 year ago

#60856 Icerun Den Stage 1: Windborne’s Retreat - Wagged (6/04/23) [32/368 total, 1/30 specific, 1/2 that day.]

Eyes: Frog
Accent: Cozen Artichoke
Under: Cozen Cerulean
Top: Cozen Grape
Base: Carnation
1 year ago

#64961 Icerun Den Stage 1: Windborne’s Retreat - Wagged (6/06/23) [33/381 total, 1/13 specific, 1/3 that day.]

Eyes: Amaranth
Accent: Cozen Blood
Under: Brush Taupe
Top: Cozen Watermelon
Base: Rune

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