With the different breeds of wolves and all the companions that exist in the game, and each having their own synergies and abilities, it can be confusing to try and build a team that works for you or find a companion with the abilities or synergies you need to complete your dream team. Especially when you don't own the companion or wolf breed in question, and you can't check to see if you have enough synergies to get to the next level or even reach the first level.
This is why I made a Team Builder and Model Finder spreadsheet, using the information available on the site. All you have to do to build your team is select a model from the drop-down menu on the Team Builder tab, and the spreadsheet will take care of the rest. You can see at a glance what synergies your team has, and how many more of that particular synergy you need. This was first created during Early Access, but I now added a new feature that also shows what each ability does below.
A new feature is the Model Finder! You select the abilities and/or synergies you want from the drop-down menus on the Model Finder, and see what wolf breed or companion populates.