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1 year ago
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Den cost and limit place

Hello everyone, i have many questions about dens and limit place. I don't suggest anything, because i don't know the reason for that.

My first question is : Why the den have limited place ? It's a server issues ? Because need to pay pebbles/moonstones for add den place and new den knowing each add cost +1000 pebbles/+10 MS each time are gets fast expensive. (First buy 1000 pebbles, second 2000 and for new den, cost 10 MS first time, second cost 20 etc.

Because on a wolves game with breeding possibility with limited den place make den fast full with pups birth.

I know is more a question for the devs, but i feel limited with this restrictions. (And sorry for my english not perfect xD)

1 year ago
The Loving
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The den slots give you something to purchase, and that's a good thing since most gameplay functions are locked behind moonstones rather than pebbles right now. It's not too difficult to get pebbles if you use stamina in the Campaign (several common-ish trinkets have a vendor sale price of around 1,000 pebbles), so you might want to try your luck there!

1 year ago
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The problem is not really the pebbles but the new den paying with moonstones. Because all new den cost +10 moonstones each time. If all upgrade always cost 10 moonstone, it's not a problem, but each time, the cost of moonstone increase by 10. And with lots of people sell their wolves with Moonstone, it's hard to keep moonstone for the others things cost MS.

Because i really like the wolves irl, and I want to have a lots of wolves. And with female give birth to pups, the den going to be full very fast xD

1 year ago
The Loving
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I assumed the Dens were for sorting purposes…does getting more actually give more slots? I haven't bought another Den yet since I haven't needed to sort wolves.

1 year ago
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When you buy a new den, the pebbles price for the new den reset to 1000 pebbles but only for the new den.

1 year ago
The Legion
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@Ninetales in addition to what Démangel said, a new den also automatically comes with 10 slots. It doens't work like FR where you have say 200 slots, and 20 dens, and you can assign wolves to dens however you wish, as long as you do not exceed the 200. The slots you buy on LW are specifically for that den. So I have 1 den with 40 slots and another with 10 slots. I cannot use the 40 slots of the first den to make the second den bigger, I'd need to buy new slots for that second den (although, yes, the price for that den starts at 1k pebbles again)


1 year ago
The Loving
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Huh, thanks for the explanation! That's not super intuitive, but I guess makes sense when it's put together like that.

As for the original question from the OP…I have no answer for that now after learning that. :P

1 year ago
The Legion
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In answer to the original question; the den space is limited to not give you anything for free and give you something to work towards. I do believe there is a cap at den space at some point, but for now it gives you something to work towards, and to give pebbles a use. All games that generate a currency also need a place to spend that currency. Yes there is the mole market, but within no time You'll have everything that place has to offer (except maybe the genes and breed changes). Something as precious as den space is one of the best pebble ‘sinks’ as a game can have. You'll find it it in most games like this that have an easy to generate currency.


1 year ago
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Yes, the lots of things cost moonstones and pebbles need a use. But my question also concern " Why pebbles cost and moonstones cost for den become more expensive after each buy ? For the moonstones, it's look like expensive because it's the premium currency XD. Anyway, the game have a lots of potential. Maybe just lets the game become more older to see the change and news on the future. So, sorry for the inconvenience and have a good game :3

1 year ago
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They likely wanted storage and den space to be easy to buy for everyone, which is why it's cheap for the first few slots.
The increasing costs is to give people the option of buying a lot more space, but also give them long term goals to work towards.
I think 500 wolves (you can have 10 dens with 50 spots each) is more than enough haha.
Just my 2 cents though!
1 year ago
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What ? A limited numbers of wolves in total ? I want to have a lots of wolves, but if the den have a limit, hum.. it's quite demotivating xD

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