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1 year ago
he/him, ae/aer
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Studding Questions

Now that I have some wolves I'm willing to stud out, I wanted to clarify some things about the studding system before I properly advertise them.

  1. Do you, the owner of the stud, get a notification when someone uses your wolf?
  2. Do you have to approve the breeding or does it all just happen instantly?
  3. If the answer to the second question is no, is there any secure way of studding a wolf privately (aka not sending your wolf to the other user)?
  4. My wolves were instantly put into Resting status when I set them for stud. Does this mean no one will actually get to use them for a week? Will I have to wait a week before I can re-list them for stud if they expire?
  5. …If so, does that make the entire feature non-functional as of right now since the cooldown is 8 days and listings only go up to 7?

Thank you!


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1 year ago

i studded out one of my wolves just a bit ago, and i can answer a few of the questions!!

1- yes, it's in the form of a payment notification like you're selling an item/wolf

2- instantly

4- they Should be set to rest when they're actually studded, not beforehand, afaik? if they're resting before they actually get studded, that may be a bug…

hope this helps!!

1 year ago
corn farmer
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since twenny already answered some questions above, ill answer the rest for ya lol

4. if by using them means to breed them yourself, then yes. the only way for them to breed is through studding. if you cancel the studding, you will have to wait the breeding cooldown of your wolf, then you can put them up again (fun fact: bracchus and volmyr have longer cooldowns…)

5. ..if having to wait an extra day/week to put them up for stud again is non-functional to ya then, sure. though the giving cooldown thing should be changed when he gets bred, not when he's up for stud

my brain just brained, sorry if you cant understand what i mean lol


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1 year ago
he/him, ae/aer
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@twenny @monarch

Thank you!

By using them I mean anyone being able to breed with them, and yeah, they got put into cooldown the moment I put them up for stud, which is confusing me because doesn't that mean they can't be bred?

These are the affected wolves. I had a moment of thinking they may not have been able to breed upon growing up, but they grew up at different times but were put up for stud at the same time that coordinates with when I listed them. Since they're on cooldown for 8 days, and you can only list them for a maximum of 7, how does that… work at all if they got put on cooldown upon being listed?

I did not get any notification that they were used, and someone would have to have bred with them instantaneously for that to have happened.


Cooking/Free Crafting ~ Wolf Leveling

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1 year ago

no prob!!

now that i think of it, i HAVE seen a few wolves up for stud on the flea market while also being on rest… and you should've gotten a notif, so maybe this is some sort of weird bug? mine didn't go to resting until after i got the notification

hopefully this'll get sorted out in some way or another! might be worth giving a bug report or something, especially if it's preventing listing them for studding

1 year ago
he/him, ae/aer
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Thing is, they're still up for stud, so someone didn't instantly breed with them. It just?? Put them on cooldown immediately? I'm really confused lmao.


Cooking/Free Crafting ~ Wolf Leveling

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1 year ago
he/him, ae/aer
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Ok well one of them just got used so I guess it's just a visual bug on my end?? Still very confusing, I guess I'll go make a report.


Cooking/Free Crafting ~ Wolf Leveling

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1 year ago


oh WEIRD… it seems like All the studs (that i checked, at least) on the market are on rest but? still listed?? maybe it isn't a bug maybe it's just on purpose or something

edit: JUST SAW THE NEW REPLY that's so odd?? at least we know it's not anything past visual, i guess

1 year ago
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not sure if you got your answer, but it’s not a visual bug, it’s intentional. you place your wolf for stud and it’s immediately put on cooldown, and when someone buys the stud it’s taken off the stud market. it was like that in beta as well, and people suggested it only be put on cooldown if used but it remained unchanged.

1 year ago
The Giant Slayer
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I'm here to add to these questions in case anyone can help-

I had a wild kit on the market for studding. I took him off market before he was bred with. Will he still be an unbred WW?


1 year ago
corn farmer
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i do think that unbred means no offspring, if he isn't bred and just on cooldown, he is unbred


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