How high can we count until a mod posts?
Aka a simple counting up thread but there's a bunch of rules so it's not spammy!
Considering this is a forum it's inevitable a counting game comes up eventually.
Hopefully making one now and saying it should stick to just one active thread will help keep things tidy for the mods.
- You may only add ONE post to the thread per page!
- You may NOT post twice in a row, even if your second post ends up on the next page. If possible wait for three other people to post first.
- The only exceptions to rules 1 and 2 are if there hasn't been a post 24 hours after you posted.
- If a mod posts ANYTHING in here we must start over. The post after a mod post will be 1. Mods are the only ones who should drastically change the count.
- If you get ninja'ed (someone posted right before you did so you couldn't see it) please edit the post to reflect whatever number you're supposed to be on.
- If you'd like to make your number post special, make sure it's legible.
Now that I've gone over the rules I'll start us off…