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1 year ago
Ability to sort wolves in flea market briefly disappeared?

I have no idea what caused this bug, but for a very brief time, my Flea Market was not showing me the full sort options for buying Lorwolfs.

This is how it's meant to look:

But this is how it was showing up to me:

I had only initially noticed that the ability to sort by WW vs G2+ was missing, however, it seems the entire page moved around at the time – sex was replaced by currency/price, and level/gen type/colours all disappeared entirely. I have only ever seen this happen the one time (despite searching dozens of times), and at the time when I asked on the discord, no one else was able to reproduce it. Opening another tab to try fixed it, so I have no idea what weird coding may have caused this, but figured it was worth mentioning in case digging around in what might be some old spaghetti might uncover other, more substantial bugs.

1 year ago
Bone Copy
The Boneweaver
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this is reproducible, at least in firefox on desktop: search for wolves and reload the page. the browser remembers the chosen category but the search criteria get reset to the default ones (for items)


what came first, bone copy or bone paste?

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