Attention: Cooking Camp has begun!
1 year ago
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[Farming] Incorrect grammar in error

Sorry if this is a duplicate, I searched for this problem but didn't see it already.

I was farming when I got the error message "Something went while purchasing farming help." I feel like there is supposed to be a “wrong” in there.

This error message also popped up after I had clicked “till plot", I did not click the “give food” button.

The sequence of events is as follows:

  1. Collect farmed resources
  2. Leave PC on the farming tab while I go run an errand, PC puts itself to sleep
  3. I return, turn the PC back on, farming tab is still open
  4. Click on “till plot”, get the error message.

I suspect the food option refreshed in the time my PC was asleep, causing the error, though I don't know why it showed up when I clicked “till plot”. Doesn't change the issue with the wording, though.

I have a screenshot, I'm just not sure how to post images here. Here's a link to the imgur file.


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