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1 year ago
The Shiny
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@VariantLoki - not sure if you're still active, but there are a looot of new familiars to add <3

Hopefully someone with more GS knowhow than me can get us updated hehe <3

5 months ago

I don't mean to necropost, but I want to show people that may still be using this sheet how to add direwolves- Or new companions, for that matter. Now, I'm by no means an expert when it comes to Google Spreadsheets, yet I have found out how to add them.

1. Hover your mouse over 'View' and then click on 'Hidden sheets'.

2. Click on 'Show Synergies'.

This should open up this page:

3. I'm not sure if there is an easier way to do this, but highlight cells B8-E8 and right click. Then, click on '+ Insert 1 row above' or '+ Insert cells--> Insert cells and shift down'- They do the same thing.

This is what it'll look like:

4. You can either copy the synergies the volmyr has and paste it in the row above, or you can simply add the direwolf in the new row. Once you write down the direwolf, you'll need the synergies. This means 2 primal and 1 tactician icon are required. Luckily the sheet already has the icons for both of them, meaning you can just copy and paste them. Do keep in mind that when you paste it, that there are 3 options. You have to click on 'Paste values only' (as seen below).

6. The last step is to delete cells G8 and H8. For that, highlight them and then click on 'Delete cells-->Delete cells and shift up'. It will leave a blank row on the bottom. However, you can copy the black row above and paste it in there.

This is the end result:

7. (Optional) If you'd like to hide the sheet again, you have to highlight it and then click on 'Hide sheet'.

8. Now it should work like the other breeds.

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