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1 year ago
(Spreadsheet) Den Tracker and Wolf Census

Got this idea from a user who made a very similar sheet over on Flightrising. I've been using it for multiple years to keep track of my dragons and thought it would be great to have a similar sheet for Lorwolf! If you have any suggestions for impovments or additions I can make to the sheet, feel free to share them!


To use the sheet

  1. Open the above link
  2. Go to File and click on “Make a Copy”
  3. In your new copy delete all of my wolves info from the sheet and start entering your own!
    1. There are formulas in the “digits”, “age”, and “Synergies” columns. If you accidentally delete any of these, try using CTRL + Z to get it back, or message me and I can help you.
  4. Once you've entered all your data, the Tables and Charts in the other tabs will update automatically!

╰┈➤ ❝ Explanations ❞

Most of the sheet should be self explainatory, but here is a run down of what some of the columns are for and what options you can use! If you have any questions or need help with a specific part of the sheet, feel free to ping me!

  • Name and ID Number - Easy: Just input your Wolf's name and ID.
  • ID Digits - This displays how many digits your wolf's ID has, So you can keep track of all your low ID finds. This column is filled in automatically!
  • Gender - You can input anything you want for this but, I have made conditional formating exceptions for the following options:
    • Male
    • Female
    • Non-Binary (Can also just enter NB or Enby)
    • Trans (Can also use Trans Male or Trans Female if you want to be more specific)
    • Agender
    • Genderfluid (Can also just enter Fluid)
    • Intersex
  • Pronouns - Can also enter anything you want here, but conditional formating exceptions are available for the following:
    • He/Him
    • She/Her
    • They/Them
    • Xe/Xem
    • It/Its
    • None
    • Any
  • Age - You dont have to fill this out! Once you enter your wolf's Birth year, month and day this will be calculated automatically for you!
  • Weight and Height - These are optional really, but there is conditional formating for various ranges of height and weight.
  • Eye Color, Accent Color, Under Coat Color, Top Coat Color, Base Color
    • Just input your wolfs colors and they will be automatically changed to the correct Hex code to match!
    • (Yes, I had to sit and enter in 201 conditional formatting options individually. Yes my hand hurts.)
  • Generation - This is to designate is a wolf is a first generation or later.
    • Starter wolves and Wild Wolves are Generation 1, while wolves you've bred would be generation 2, and so forth. For Generations one wolves you can use 1, WW, or Wild Wolf
    • You can choose to differentiate your starter wolves like I did by using Starter or Progen

╰┈➤ ❝ Update Pinglist ❞

@/tserin @/Panther @/bumblewhiskers @/naranciag @/Amancham

1 year ago

╰┈➤ ❝ How to Update Your Sheet ❞

Over time I will be making improvements and addition to this sheet. In the event that you want to update your copy you can do the following:

  1. Revisit the link in the first post and go to file > Make a copy.
    • Save this copy under a new name you can easily identify as the new version.
  2. On your old copy, highlight everything starting at cell B3 (The first wolf name) and select all your wolves information. Press CRTL + C to copy the cells.
  3. On the new sheet, click on cell B3 and press CTRL + P to paste all the information into the new sheet.
    • In the event that new columns are added, you may need to shift some data around. All the formatting will still work once your data is in the correct columns.
    • You could also Copy/Paste each row individually into their correct position into the new sheet.

╰┈➤ ❝ Change Log ❞

June 4th, 2023

  • Not a large update, but I added in all of the new companions from the Dev update to the companions sheet. They and their respective synergies are now options in the companion tracker.
  • Also, mostly an unnoticable update: I've removed the Appscript code I used to extract the Hex color codes from the color references. The app script was slowing down the sheet and I realized I really only needed it to run once to get the hex values. The color reference sheet now has static hex code values instead of a formula that runs the script every time the sheet is opened. You should see slightly faster load times now.
June 1st, 2023
  • Added an auto Color Range checker to the sheet!
    • All of your wolves will automatically be imported and updated based on your Data Input sheet and you can freely choose between them to see their color range!
    • Ignore all the numbers, they are only there to run the calculations to get the correct range.
    • Be mindful of where youre clicking! There are a lot of formulas in this sheet and it will be easy to accidently mess one up. If something goes a wrong, try using CRTL + Z to undo your last few steps. If that doesn't work or you need further her, feel free to ping me!

May 24th, 2023

  • Added synergies for companions and added a 'Combined Synergies" column in the companion tracker sheet
    • This sheets should automatically update your wolves order/synergies when you add new wolves or move them around in the data input sheet.
    • Companion selection and level data are still manually selected, but the synergies will automatically update when changing companions.

May 22nd, 2023

  • Added a new, seperate sheet to track which companion is cucrently with each wolf
    • This sheet automatically imports your wolves names from the data input sheet and has a drop down system to select from all current companions
    • Once you select a companion, it's Item image will appear in the following cell!
    • You can also keep track of companion level, but this is manual entry.
  • Add some some fun new stats to the Table Data sheet.
    • Sheet now keeps track of your heaviest and lightest wolves, tallest and shortest wolves, and Lowest and Highest ID wolves!
  • Got rid of the extra unneeded columns on the charts sheet. This should make the sheet load just a bit faster.
May 19th, 2023

  • Changed the conditional formatting for some colors from “Text Contains” to “Text is Exactly”
    • I made an error in the original setup of the color inputs and using “text contains” means that colors that contain other color names within them (Pearl has “Pear”, Blueberry has “Blue”, Watermelon has “Water”, Etc) were only referencing the first color in the order list and displaying incorrectly. I should have set up everything with “text is exactly” in the first place to avoid this, but I digress. Lol
    • I have changed any color that I thought might have issue. If you find any mismatched color errors like this, please let me know!
    • If you want to fix the error on your copy of the sheet without having to download a new copy, you can follow these steps
      1. Open the sheet and click on any of the rows where the colors appear
      2. In the top bar click on “Format” and then “Conditional Formatting”
      3. In the side bar that pops up on the right, scroll all the way dow until you find the colors that are displaying wrong (Water/watermelon, rose/rosemary/rosewood, etc) and click the color to edit it.
      4. Under “format rules” change the dropdown box from “Text Contains” to “Text is Exactly". Do this for affected colors.
May 18th, 2023
  • Added Functionality for displaying synergies depending on your wolfs breed.
    • New columns I - K will fill in Automatically once you enter your wolf breed!
    • This data references a hidden sheet, but you don't have to do anything with it to make it work.
    • Changed the “Age” column to use an Arrayformula, so that each cell doesn't have to have a formula individually.
      • If you want to update your age column from a previous version of the sheet, use this formula in the first cell below "Age::

        =ArrayFormula(IF(L3:L1001<>"", TEXT(DATEDIF(DATE(L3:L1001, M3:M1001, N3:N1001), TODAY(), "Y") & " years, " & DATEDIF(DATE(L3:L1001, M3:M1001, N3:N1001), TODAY(), "YM") & " months, " & DATEDIF(DATE(L3:L1001, M3:M1001, N3:N1001), TODAY(), "MD") & " days", ""), ""))
    • Froze Column B so that the wolf's name will stay static when your scroll left/right. This should make the sheet a bit easier to read.
May 16th 2023
  • Added an ID digits column, currently future proof up to 9 digit IDs (which shouldn't be for a LONG while). This column will fill in automatically when you enter your Wolfs ID. Table data and corrosponding chart have been added as well!
  • Grouped some of the columns together so they can be collapsed for easier viewing. Current groupings are
    • ID and ID Digits
    • Birth year/month/day, Age, Weight, Height
    • Accent color all the way to base color
May 15th, 2023
  • Added the conditional formatting exception for the color “Black” and “Reed”, and Fixed the Hex color code for “Eggplant”
  • Added seperate formatting for Trans Male and Trans Female in the gender column.
  • Added Intersex as a formatted option under gender
  • Added a Level column to keep track of your wolves levels
  • Completly remade the Tables sheet so it works properly.
    • The tables are future proof for now. There is room for 10 differant Genders, pronouns, breeds, levels, and generations, along with 15 accent, top coat and under coat patterns to account for future releases.
  • Reorganized the charts to make more sense

╰┈➤ ❝ Need to Fix ❞

  • Add new companions to companion list

╰┈➤ ❝ Possible Future Additions ❞

  • Mate column to list a wolf's partner and “Link” them together
  • Manual color entry for the color range checker
1 year ago
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Hi, I'm noticing a problem with the sheet which I think is an easy fix! Currently, the gender field is not accepting anything other than male or female into the charts and tables, and I think you might have just forgotten to add all the extra options.

Hope you're doing OK and that this isn't a huge problem, but if it is, you could probably just specify it's for breeding stuff and leave the pronouns section as the gender identity identifier.

EDIT: The Color “Black” is also missing from conditional formatting.


Consistently Indecisive.

1 year ago


Thanks for bringing that up! I think I have fixed this! The problem was that I set up the pivot Tables without having all the available options in the columns already. It should be working correctly now. You can either make a new copy from the link in the first post, or a way to fix it is this:

  1. In the tables tab, hover over the gender table until you see the a pencil Icon pop up in the bottom corner (can also double click the table. Pretty sure)
  2. In the side bar that pops up scroll down to the filter option and make sure all the options besides “blanks” and “gender” are selected with a check mark.

I realize now that the use of pivot tables makes this sheet not mobile friendly, so I may look into a different way to do the table/chart data.

1 year ago
The Exhausted
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This is awesome! I utilized it immediately!

Though, I found a couple things. Reed doesn't have a colour background for it, and Eggplant's is a blue, when the colour is a purple |D


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Pointlessly reaching for some light you hope to guide your sorry way

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1 year ago


Glad you like it! Ill take a look at the colors you mentioned when I get home from work today. If you find any more feel free to let me know :)

1 year ago
The Lurking
🇮🇹 She/her, INFP
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So cool, thank you! I really like the colored cells.

1 year ago

This is super cool and helpful, thank you!!

Just a heads up, I think there's a typo in the conditional formatting for the colour “fuchsia” <3

1 year ago


Thanks for the heads up! Thats one of those colors I always tend to mispell, lol.

UPDATE: Made some changes to the sheet! Details will be explained in the change log above!

1 year ago


May 16th 2023

  • Added an ID digits column so you can keep track of your Low ID wolves. Currently is future proof up to 9 digit IDs (which shouldn't be for a LONG while. We're still at 8 digit IDs on Flightrising and it's been almost 10 years).
  • This column will fill in automatically when you enter your Wolfs ID! Table data and corrosponding chart have been added as well!
1 year ago
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@VariantLoki So I may just be Stoopid, but when I try to update the ID Digits tab (the third column over in the data input), it… erases itself? How do I fix that? Am I supposed to be putting data into Table Data? That doesn't SOUND right but I'm not sure what the problem is,,,

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