Welcome to Onyx's Enclave, my custom apparel shop! The shop may look a little bare bones right now, but I plan to fix it up when I have the time!
{ Info }
- Unfortunately due to the fact that I am free-to-play, I have to use preorders for anything to be stocked at the moment. If I can stock the shop without preorders, I will, but that is not possible yet!
- I will only take the prepayments once enough people have signed on for me to be able to afford the necessary amount of Custom Apparel Tokens.
- Please do not resell my custom apparel! I work very hard on these!
- If you want to be added to the pinglist, please let me know by replying!
Please feel free to ask questions/make suggestions! I am open to anything! This is my first time really setting up a shop like this!
{ Ideas }
Just some things I've got floating around in my head!
- Frog Friend Reskin: Poison Dart Frog
- Frog Friend Reskin: Galaxy Frog
{ Newest Release }