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1 year ago
[Campaign] Visual bug after feeding or claiming reward during a battle

This is only a visual bug, and doesn't actually affect feeding or claiming rewards.

If you feed wolves and/or claim a reward while a battle is active in Campaign, after the battle, it will revert stamina bar and claim status as if you never fed or claimed. This is only visual as trying to reclaim or refeed doesn't take more items or give you extra reward. After clicking refresh or Explore Again, it corrects the visuals.

I've tested to see if this was a general battle bug, but have not been able to recreate it on Gauntlet (though not sure on Arena as I haven't touched that mode).

Also tested if it was a auto-refresh screen issue, by testing if claiming a reward when a profession such as crafting/cooking/fishing is ongoing, but was unable to recreate it as well.

This visual bug is recreatable on both mobile and PC. Below is a mobile example:

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Mobile: latest Chrome app on Android10

PC: Chrome on Windows 7

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