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[Sheets] Den, Project, and Pair Tracker

General Information (V1.4)

This sheet has several other sheets which you may use to track your wolves, their pairs and partners, and gene projects. It is mostly automated, with some exceptions, but that will change as I learn and figure out how to make the sheet as automated as possible for convenience. If you have any suggestions, feel free to give me a poke!

  • You will find most items in this sheet are partially, if not fully, automated. This means that a lot of the requirements from anyone seeking to use it are just to enter some information about their wolves, and potentially to add an image into a cell (which we will go over in the How-To section if you don't already know).
  • Locked sheets means there is nothing for you to edit on those sheets, and that you can more or less just look at what is in there.
  • There are hidden sheets for your sanity. You're free to look at and use them, but the main ones that you might want to hide or unhide are locked sheets. See How-To if you don't know how to hide or unhide sheets. Warning: there are a lot of them. All should be self-explanatory by name and are mostly for your organizational purposes.
  • Deleting certain sheets can cause others to break. Do so at your own risk.
  • Thank you to Delotha for all the help!

Sheet Information

The following criteria is how each sheet determines why a wolf is pulled into the sheet.

  • G1s: Lineage is "Unknown" and/or Specialty is "G1".
  • G2/3s: Specialty is “G2/3”.
  • Low IDs: ID is below 100,000 and/or Specialty is "Low ID".
  • Special IDs: Specialty is “Special ID”.
  • Scrolled Bracchus: Specialty is “Scrolled Bracchus”.
  • Breed Sheets: Breed is the specified breed.
  • Sex Sheets: Sex is the specified sex.

How To Use Editable Sheets

Disclaimer: The following information is based on PC. It may be different on mobile!

Remember to go to File → Make a Copy. Otherwise you won't be able to use the sheet! You can find the sheet you can make a copy of by clicking here.

  • The first thing you'll want to do is head over to the Data Entry sheet to enter all of your wolves' information. As the Project Tracker is currently a WIP, you don't need to worry about the Project section.
  • If you're using the Breeding Pairs sheet, you can use the dropdown to pair up your wolves. Note that this does not currently show color ranges but may in the future. For pair prediction previews, you'll need to insert prediction images into the cells. To do this: Select Empty Cell → Insert → Image → Insert Image Into Cell. Select the correct image and you're done!
  • Hiding and unhiding sheets is pretty easy. Hidden sheets are generally just more organizational sheets added to let you further customize your sheet's usage. To hide a sheet: Right Click Sheet → Hide Sheet. To unhide: View → Hidden Sheets → Sheet to Unhide.
  • If you decide to use the Project Tracker, only alter the Genetics section. You can use the Completion checkboxes and insert an image of your project as well, but everything else should automatically enter. If the gene spelling does not match, the tracker will throw you an “ERROR”. Check your spelling. Always enter items in the following order: Breed, Gene 1, Gene 2, Gene 3, Sex, Age. If you do not enter them in that order, you will get an error.

Coming Soon

To a tracking sheet near you! Note that the following changes won't necessarily be added all at once.

  • Project Tracker V2: Automation from Data Entry, Project Image Generation (+Census)
  • Breeding Pair Color Ranges
  • Companion Tracker (+Census)
1 year ago
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Patch Notes

V1.4: Various bug fixes, including the Project Tracker tallies not subtracting based on what is checked (where instead it would add).

V1.3: Wolf trackers G1s and Low IDs now pull based on other criteria. G1 tab now pulls any wolf with a lineage section which says “Unknown”, and Low IDs now pulls any wolves with a Specialty section noted as “Low ID”. Project Tracker V1 now works, though it is currently in a manual state. User will need to input genetic data and check or uncheck any items which are completed or incomplete to update the values. An example will be provided in the main post and in the Information sheet itself.

V1.2: Fixed the columns being off by one on all sheets, Also fixed the issue where breed and on was showing information one column to the left of where it should've been on the Breeding Pairs tab. Low IDs should now be pulling from 5 digits and under. Lookup on Breeding Pairs male/female lists no longer pulls both sexes from the dropdown lists. Colors in this tab are also now color coded.

V1.1: Fixed some typos and dropdown errors. Also fixed where my FR brain wrote “dragon” instead of “wolf.”

Known Errors

  • None.

Ping Lists


redwolf, naranciag, Vignette, fluteloops0329

1 year ago
The Curious
33 Achievements
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Very cool!

1 year ago
The Lurking
🇮🇹 She/her, INFP
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So cool, thanks!

1 year ago
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Some typos were found, so just letting people know that I'll be updating the sheet so those are corrected shortly (and look for more). I had FR brain and put dragon in one area instead of wolf. ^^;

Edit: Sheet updated!

1 year ago
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Looks good so far! Just letting you know the Low IDs tab also pulls in non-low ID wolves. Looks like the fields from Eyes on are also off by one. (This is in all the tabs. Overview, Low IDs, G1s, Breeding pairs, G2s)

1 year ago
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The IDs were going so fast that I had it set to 5 digits and under as a temporary futureproof, or is it pulling 6s too?

They're off by one? Oh dear. I'll get that fixed ASAP. Sorry for the errors!

1 year ago
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Version 1.2 is now available, and should also have all prior known issues fixed.

1 year ago
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@Lykos So just for clarification, the Low ID tab is supposed to show any wolf with an ID of 5 digits or below? Not just the ones you mark as “Low ID” in the Specialty tab in Data Entry?

All the fields are matching up nicely so far. I'm really liking it.

1 year ago
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Yes, some pull from Specialty but Low ID is an option specifically for a glance in the overview where you can see all wolves. This also means Low IDs can pop up from other areas, and I am working on doing the same thing for G1s via the Lineage section (to be Unknown or None which denotes the G1, not Specialty). I can't do this with generations yet, but I am trying to make the sheet a little more forgiving on the Specialty options!

1 year ago
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Ah, ok. I misunderstood then. I thought the Low IDs tab would just show the ones you mark as low ID

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