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1 year ago
About WW Farming

So I'm looking for wild wolves since i'm broke and it'd be cool to expand my den with rare wolves so as a shadow pack folk i've unlocked 3 sword zones and the first sword zone has been what i've been using to farm since food.

My question is since the first sword zone has like 12 encounters with WW being one and the third zone has only 4 encounters with WW also being one would my chances of finding a WW be higher in the 3rd zone or is it the same for the first and third sword zone to find a WW?

Thanks in advance :)

1 year ago
MWC Member
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I personally continue to farm the first location just because it has a higher chance of battles I can complete quickly and easily. I've encountered plenty of WW that way (still haven't had any luck catching them though). It's best to only use 1 wolf for exploring with a good familiar to not waste food items- but if you think you can handle the last area with 1 wolf and a familiar I say go for it, you have a chance at good trinket drops with the final boss- but you do run the risk of wasting food/time if you can't.

Just my opinion ^-^ there is an actual WW guide in the guide section of the forum that might help better than me lol.


1 year ago
The Loving
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I tried hunting for WWs in The Black Hills for a while, but ultimately I enjoyed my time in Zanthous a lot more despite the higher number of encounters. I feel as if WW encounters are a set percentage across the campaign so no one area is at a disadvantage (especially since it isn't super clear right away that you can do all of the available campaigns despite picking one pack to be in).

Farming an area with a ton of food encounters will give you infinite resources to continue grinding out encounters, assuming you are only using one wolf in your campaign party. Not only that, but you can also have their companion join them and farm free EXP on this companion, which can be useful for Gauntlet or Hunting if you play those modes, since these companions will help boost the success rate for being such high levels.

If you have a ton of food lying around, don't feel pressured to go into an area just for food. I personally prefer it though since it means I'm basically always stocked up on resources.

1 year ago
The Exhausted
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Most of my wolves were gotten in Zanthous. Go there since there's one fight (not counting the cave) that isn't hard to get and isn't a pain with one wolf and one companion, and there's food. So much food.


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