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1 year ago
The Playful
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[SIDWA] Special ID sharing, pinglist and support!

Hello and welcome to the Special ID Wolf Aquisition (SIDWA) thread!


Some ground rules:

  1. Only use the appropriate pinglists for your sales threads (there are different categories for certain IDs!). If you aren't sure, you can always use the general sales pinglist, or you can ask me! On a similar note, make sure to check that you've added the right wolves to your sales post so it doesn't look like you're misusing the pinglist.

  2. Do NOT harass anyone who has a wolf that you want, and DO NOT try to intentionally lowball anyone, especially if they aren't aware of special IDs.

  3. Make sure to pay attention to the special requests on the pinglist before you ping anyone.

  4. Don't use the pinglist on replies to this thread. Sharing your wolves is fine, though! Feel free to share wolves you have for sale but please handle offers via pm or other forums.

  5. Be nice, and don't criticise someone for asking questions, even if they were already answered in the thread.

The spreadsheet is admittedly a little complex. There are lots of different categories and terms that I use, so don't be afraid to ask anything if it confuses you!

If the day comes that thousands of people are on the pinglist, I will try my hand at utilising a sheet that is connected to a google form, so that sellers can copy pings from a single cell, but that requires more complex knowledge of google sheets than I actually have right now.

How should I navigate the spreadsheet?

The main pinglist is separated into categories, sub-categories and purchase method. There is also an area for buyers to ask for wishlist-fulfilling wolves in the 'Unique Request' sections. General is a miscellaneous page, but all the other categories and sub-categories have definitions in this thread.


The main pinglist is separated into categories, sub-categories and purchase method. Once you've picked what you are interested in, add an @ and your username to the right column.

Make sure that when someone copy-pastes the cell with your username into a post, it doesn’t need to be edited. This means no spaces or slashes between the @ and the username, eg @minim rather than @/minim or @ minim.

It's worth noting that 'IC' is shorthand for 'interest check', where people search for buyers and ask for advice on pricing. Normally ICs are for the seller to decide whether they should host an auction or flatsale, since a successful auction needs at least two interested buyers. If you want to be pinged for sales only, add yourself to the respective flatsale and auction pinglists.

There is also a 'Unique Requests' section for each major category. Use them like so:

  • Example 1: If you're looking for a milestone ID wild wolf, use the section on the Milestones page.
  • Example 2: Only interested in palindromes with specific colours? Ask for a ping in the U.R. on the palindrome page!
  • Example 3: LOVE the number 8? Use the UR pinglist on the general page to ask for special IDs with the number 8 in them.

If you have multiple special ID wolves on your wishlist, please use a different cell for each individual wolf in the UR pinglist, as it makes it clearer to sellers what you are looking for.


Look at the guidlines on the main thread to see what kind of special ID you have. Ask a question on the thread or PM @minim (#1212) if you aren't sure.

Next, are you holding an interest check, flatsale or auction? For interest checks, use the 'All Sales/ICs' pinglist for your respective ID categories, and for auctions or flatsales use both the 'All Sales/ICs' and ‘Auctions only’ OR ‘Flatsales only’ pinglists. If you're hosting something unusual like a raffle, I'd recommend doing an interest check and pinging the 'All Sales/ICs' pinglist for it and collating a pinglist from people who want to join.

Always ping the general pinglist as well as the specific pinglist!

Check the 'Unique Request' pinglists. I recommend looking at the specific ID category ones for your wolf first, and then at general.

Pricing Help?

Special IDs haven’t really got any pricing data and their value is mostly based on people’s personal interest in an ID. If you are looking to give a flatsale price for your special ID wolf, I would recommend getting a ‘base price’ using the other aspects of the wolf as a reference point and then adding a little extra to the final price tag.

I am currently looking for people who have already bought special IDs. If you've ever bought a wolf with a notable ID, I have some questions that I'd love to ask you in order to improve future price estimations for other special IDs:

1. What was the ID number? (I will categorise the number myself)

2. Was it a G1? Or was it G2/G3+?

3. What other factor(s) can you think of that also affected the value?

4. Did you buy the wolf from an auction, flea marketplace/forum flatsale, or private negotiation?

5. What did you trade for it and what (if it was an item trade) was the agreed value?

6. Is it okay for me to share all these details with LW players?

I will probably make another spreadsheet for this purchase data, but I’m busy and so will probably wait until I have a few pieces of data to put into it. Currently, I will log it in this thread in the third post.

Please note that I have copied most of this from my other thread on Pixel Cat's End, so if you spot any confusing mentions of cats, not-cats or nestor and gardenhome, please ping me (minim #1212)!

1 year ago
The Playful
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But what IS a special ID?

There are 6 unique types I am going to refer to, but a special ID is a general category involving any wolf with a significant or aesthetically pleasing ID. 'Special' is a pretty subjective word, and so any neat-looking ID is game for the general pinglists! An ID like #112358 doesn't fit into the below categories, but it is a Fibonacci sequence and so could be considered special to those who like mathematical patterns, for example.

For the sake of keeping short IDs and special IDs separate, I will be referring to 5-digit and future 6-digit IDs only. Special IDs in short digits are more common and therefore less special, even though short IDs tend to be desirable partially for their aesthetic quality. If you want or have a Special ID that fits a certain category in theory but is too small as a 4-digit wolf to qualify, it can be considered a mini special ID and you should treat it accordingly. Add your username to or ping general, as well as the respective unique requests page.


When Lorwolf reaches a new milestone in the number of wolves that are on-site, the result is a coveted milestone ID.

IDs like A00000 or AB000, with lots of zeros at the end can be considered 'hits', and the 10 wolves with IDs either side can be considered 'misses', such as 999990 or 1000010, which would be misses for the future milestone ID #1000000. Milestones will also frequently overlap with Solid Strings due to this nature.

Examples include:

A00000 major milestone

A0000 major milestone

AB0000 minor milestone

AA0000 minor milestone

AB000 minor milestone

Disclaimer: major/minor milestones do not have separate pinglists. I may change this at some point in the future if there is significant interest.

Solid Strings

At least 5 digits of the ID is made up of the same single-digit number appearing in a row.

Examples include:

AAAAA true solid pattern

AAAAAA true solid pattern

ABAAAA interrupted pattern

AAAAAB interrupted pattern

6 digit IDs may be broken up by only a single digit to be considered full interrupted solid strings. 5 digit IDs are too small to be considered full strings when they are interrupted.

If only 3-4 numbers are the same (and the wolf has a 5 or 6 digit ID) then the ID is considered a partial solid string.

A mini solid string is 3 or 4 digits that are the same in a row (all uninterrupted). Please do not ping the Solid String list for mini solid strings unless they specify that they are interested in mini strings. Ping general for mini patterns.

Repeating Sets

Repeating set IDs have a repeating pattern made up of two or more digits.

Examples include:

ABABAB (2x3 pattern)

ABCABC (3x2 pattern)

AABAAB (another 3x2 pattern)

ABBABB (another 3x2 pattern)

5 digit IDs are too small to be considered full repeating sets.

Mini repeating sets include 2x2 patterns (ABABx). Only ping General for mini patterns unless a user requests otherwise.


A palindrome ID reads the same forwards and backwards. If the first half reads ABC, then a full palindrome's second half will read CBA.

For example, the 6 digit patterns include:




And the 5 digit patterns include:




Partial palindrome IDs are palindromes that don't take up the full length of the ID, such as ABCBAx in 6 digits or ABBAx in 5 digits. Mini palindromes are 4 digits and lower. Only ping general for mini or partial patterns unless a user requests otherwise.


A consecutive string ID is an ID with at least 3 consecutive increasing or decreasing integers (the ID must be increasing OR decreasing, not both). The two subtypes are 'counting' patterns and 'stretched' patterns.

Counting pattern consecutives follow the pattern ABCDEF or FEDCBA, with all digits being smaller/larger than the digit to the right by 1. Counting pattern consecutives must be uninterrupted.

Stretched pattern consecutives are interrupted with a string of the same digit. As stated previously, there should be 3 different digits for it to count as a consecutive ID.

For example, stretched patterns include:






It's important to note that consecutive numbers greater than 9 don't count for the true consecutive pattern, so for IDs like XAXBXC, you should ping general. Any consecutive that doesn't take up the full ID is a mini consecutive and you should ping general for those, too.


A tuple ID is one that has two or more individual digits, with at least one instance of alike digits being next to eachother for each individual digit.

Examples of 2 digit tuples:




3 digit tuple pattern (only 6 digit IDs can be a 3 digit tuple):


Partial tuples are 2 digit tuples can have one or two interrupted spaces, for example AABBxy or AAxBBB as 6 digits and xAABB in 5 digits.

IDs like AABBA or AABBA are also full two-digit tuples.

1 year ago
The Playful
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Sales data questions! If you bought a wolf because you liked their ID, then if you could answer these questions it would be much appreciated!

1. What was the ID number?

2. Was it a G1? Or was it G2/G3+?

3. What other factor(s) can you think of that also affected the value?

4. Did you buy the wolf from an auction, flea marketplace/forum flatsale, or private negotiation?

5. What did you trade for it and what (if it was an item trade) was the agreed value?

1 year ago
The Playful
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Sales History

1. What was the ID number? 51415 (ABCBA palindrome)

2. Was it a G1? Or was it G2/G3+? G3+

3. What other factor(s) can you think of that also affected the value? All brown/natural-range pup

4. Did you buy the wolf from an auction, flea marketplace/forum flatsale, or private negotiation? Private negotiation

5. What did you trade for it and what (if it was an item trade) was the agreed value? Traded in return for reserve/first pick of progen G2 litters until the other person saw a pup they liked. (Approx 5-10ms)

1. What was the ID number? 66658 (General special ID)

2. Was it a G1 or was it G2/G3+? G2

3. What other factor(s) can you think of that also affected the value? Double White / Double Silver

4. Did you buy the wolf from an auction, flea marketplace/forum flatsale, or private negotiation? Forum Flatsale

5. What did you trade for it and what (if it was an item trade) was the agreed value? 30ms + 10 Knucklebone Tokens

1. What was the ID number? 77765 (decreasing stretched consecutive ID)

2. Was it a G1 or was it G2/G3+? G3+

3. What other factor(s) can you think of that also affected the value? Triple Black

4. Did you buy the wolf from an auction, flea marketplace/forum flatsale, or private negotiation? Private Negotiation

5. What did you trade for it and what (if it was an item trade) was the agreed value? Double Blueberry WW

1. What was the ID number? 29529 (General)

2. Was it a G1? Or was it G2/G3+? G2

3. What other factor(s) can you think of that also affected the value? Grayscale colors

4. Did you buy the wolf from an auction, flea marketplace/forum flatsale, or private negotiation? Flea Marketplace

5. What did you trade for it and what (if it was an item trade) was the agreed value? 20MS

1 year ago

Would your accept data from sellers, as well? I've sold a few that fit within your categories but the ones I've personally purchased were more meme numbers so don't really fit in here.

Glad to see something like this put together, though! I always struggle to price IDs and this will help a lot seeing data from others.

1 year ago
The Gardener
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As someone who loves both the Fibonacci sequence and the number 8 I feel extremely seen by your examples! (Thanks for making the spreadsheet! Added myself to the pinglists!)


Are you snack-a-lackin or are you lackin-a-snack? - Penny Pack Food Bank (Free Food!)

Check out my Sales Den! Flexible prices, open to trades!

1 year ago
The Playful
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@Loki If you can get permission (preferably with proof) from the person who bought the wolf to submit the wolf's info yourself, then that's totally fine!

My main concern is for people who want to keep their wolves or purchases private. If they're okay with you sharing the info, then that would be great!

1 year ago
The Playful
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@Phlox What a fun coincidence! I'm glad I could help you out on your search!

1 year ago
The Giant Slayer
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This could be super useful one day once it gets enough attention- I’ve got a palindrome that isn’t an incredibly cohesive color scheme. I’m still trying to decide if I even want to sell her right now, but having somewhere to go check prices or interest is gonna be nice! Thanks!


1 year ago
The Playful
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@nikki Thank you! I'm trying my best to bring attention to the pinglist whenever I see related sales threads so hopefully I will be able to draw in some new buyers soon!

I happen to collect palindromes myself so I've PM'd you ;)

1 year ago

Posting this fellow here in case anyone is interested in a WW with a mini solid string ID!

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