I would have enjoyed straight up stray dog colours but that purple…. send help
@WolfCrystal you are an absolute hero that you are doing this giveaway. Many are in dire need of besprinkling, but I think this has to be the worst one. Wolf #7331 - 7331 (
Behold, Claudia and their unfortunate combination of colors.
I absolutely love the ID on this one but the colors need to change….poor thing needs help!
I was so excited when I got my first female jocol, but then I noticed her colors…she's so ugly lol
No offense to Jameson, but yeesh… unsalvageable colors …
Aaand I have no clue how to add pictures…
@WolfCrystalThanks for holding this giveaway!I have this girl here I'd like to do something with, especially since I like her ID, but her colors are just not doing it for me..
@WolfCrystallook at him. he looks like he got into a jar of strawberry jam
here my girl i got from a trade, i dont really like the greens placement on her, and just wnna change the color scheme overall
Thank you for the giveaway!
Submitting my poor Rin for you to consider. What even are any of these colors.
They kind of look like some sort of messed up Mandrill monkey…