Please, for the love of everything holy, do not allow users to vote to influence anything other than aesthetic choices. Having real systems input up to committee goes horribly wrong really, really quickly. Having polls over “Hey, which apparel should we add next?” or “Which gene do you guys want us to prioritize?” is great, but anything economics based especially goes downhill real, real quick.
I feel like I'm the only one that would rather the encounter rate just be increased, ahah. Making it a roughly 1/10 chance on an event that is already rare itself feels a bit much to me; it doesn't seem like the point of the game is to focus on a tiny amount of wolves at once, given that wolf litters can give you multiple pups at once rather than one at a time, so I don't really see why they need to be so “limited”. As far as I can gather there's no rewards or repayment for releasing wolves you don't want to keep or sell, either, so it's not like it can be abused that way. Especially until the economy normalizes and people start selling wolves at a more approachable rate to those who don't want to drop real money on the site, or even those who can but can't drop a lot, it just makes it incredibly difficult to access wolves beyond your progens and their own direct pups, who aren't even old enough to aid in tasks yet.
But, if the devs are dead-set on keeping it that rare, then I suppose I am glad that a token system is in the works, because I haven't managed to catch a single WW and I believe I saw one person in the data thread with absolutely horrid luck too. This would at least make me feel less like my time is still being rewarded in some way, but admittedly I'm not a big fan of how much like an idle mobile game a lot of the systems on here feel. I think this site has great potential, so I'm curious to see what other changes will come over the next months & the rest of the year.
I'm glad devs are trying to be more transparent, and I hope the voting system works out well with some balance between userbase and creator wants.
Honestly, I've been seeing the forum pixel badge around and I think the style sticks out too much. It's nice, but it doesn't match the art style of the site at all.