So I have the puppys of my starters and they gave me some nice children, so I'm selling/trading them. The Puppys in question:
All of these have Blood Eyes, Lupin Breed and Gene wise fully Timber, Colors descriped are the fur ones:
Female, XXXX Royal(the one I'm considering keeping the most, most likely only giving her up for some really high value offer)
Male, XXYY Royal/Azure
Female, XYXX Azure/Royal
Male, XYYY Azure Royal
What I accept in payment, in no particular order(though you can offer other things as well, though this is what I'm most likely accepting):
-other Wolves(bonus points for lower digits and nice colors, though I'm willing to look at any)
-Companions I don't have(I can provide a list of the ones I own, though they're all lower worth ones)
-might take Art/Apparel though I'll be picky
-no idea if they fall in the worth range but any KS things
-Flight Rising(same Username as here, I have a Wishlist there)
Looking at any offers, so just offer(you can either offer on a specific one or just any)(also if you don't want to have it public, just send a private message)