Attention: Cooking Camp has begun!
1 year ago
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Fishing Issues on Mobile

I've only been playing for a little under a day, but I've noticed that fishing on mobile doesn't work as well as on desktop. Not sure if this necessarily counts as a bug, but since it's been presenting an issue I wanted to post about it:

  • Can only catch one fish if two appear at the same time.
  • Tapping on ripples occasionally results in nothing being caught.
  • Sometimes when tapping ripples, the page will randomly scroll, leading to fish escaping.
  • Tapping repeatedly on a spot almost guarantees the page will scroll and the fish will escape.
  • (Just a little bonus tip to anyone reading: DO NOT claim task rewards while fishing unless you want to risk the game taking you to another profession page and wasting your fishing trip!)

I'm using the Samsung browser on my Android, and haven't yet tested mobile fishing on my other mobile browsers. I've been trying to be very careful and deliberate with my tapping, but the issues persist leading me to miss sometimes up to three fish per fishing venture. Missing a few fish per trip really adds up over time when you're trying to complete tasks or stock up on food.

I'll update if I notice anything else!

1 year ago

I've noticed this too. I also use a Android with the Samsung default browser and sometimes the page just randomly scrolls down away from the fishing screen, making me miss fish and have to scroll back up.

I think this could be easily remedied if the fishing minigame had a “fullscreen” option for mobile. That way you could fullscreen the fishing area and avoid the scrolling behavior.

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