Not going to lie, I REALLY hate HTML.
Trying to post an image on the forums here is an absolute headache.
Not going to lie, I REALLY hate HTML.
Trying to post an image on the forums here is an absolute headache.
I am not a fan of this recent trend of not being able to get my seat/chromebook within 10-20 minutes of getting up because my brother takes it while he's playing his game :/
Sorry that one, I have a bad hip, two, I asked last time after 10 minutes and got told off and to “be patient”, and three, this time I couldn't even sit because a large recent purchase is sitting on the one free chair (and I am not sitting on the floor for good reason).
I am so tired and gotta go work. x_x
It's too early to be up, and I'm a grouchy morning person. I wonder if I should've ate something with my cold coffee this morning.
Free Wolf Giveaway - Always open!
Art by the lovely Kazux
Have to say goodbye to someone at the airport tomorrow and I’m a little sad-
at-least it’s not forever-
I feel very, very affected by those around me. I'm going to try and zero in on something that benefits myself.
work has absolutely destroyed my back today. ):
Befriending a wild wolf is so difficult. Or am I just super unlucky?
thinking about robots. actually i have so many favorite characters that are robots. huh.
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