So tired of having to remove 8+ silver from my mining cart :|
So tired of having to remove 8+ silver from my mining cart :|
Reeeeaaally could have done without my washing machine biting the dust. (-_____-') I suppose it at least had the decency to do so during Black Friday sales.
learned from this thread i can dump ore i don;t want. nice. goodbye copper. also is midnight too late for tea? i don't think so
『 "I can turn to that day as though it were a page in a book. It's written so deeply upon my mind I can almost taste the ink." 』
feeling a little sorrowful today..
After 3 weeks away from the gym, due to covid, I was so scared my lifts were going to drop, but I absolutely smashed everything (including myself - lol). Now I'm going to devour a chicken, then pass out. (-___-)zzZZZ
I need to clean the aquariums but I just wanna keep playing LW... it takes me a good few hours to do all of them. Ah well, the fishies deserve it!
The furnace waited until it's just a few degrees over freezing... to STOP WORKING? Seriously? How much bad luck can roll together at once...
Succulent bagel
keep running out of silver constantly and its very annoying
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