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1 year ago
The Curious
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Current Cooking Item Randomly Disappears

There doesn't seem to be a trigger for this happening per se, but sometimes part of the cooking interface just… vanishes. On desktop, it's everything in the sidebar except for the NPC, and on mobile it's the pot, current cooking item, and claim box. The most recent time I had this happen, it was when cooking the meat the rabbits drop in Explore, and while I usually put 12 of an item in at a time for a full pot, I don't remember how far along it was when this happened.

Refreshing the page generally gets everything to show up again.

Desktop is Win 10 Firefox, mobile is Android Firefox, and I tend to use my browser pinned to half the screen at 90% zoom (wouldn't be surprised if that's related somehow, though it doesn't have relevance to why mobile might be affected…)

@vihuff, you mentioned this happened to you too, mind adding your setup specs/any details you noticed?

1 year ago

It happens if the page is open and a change is made. For example, I leave cooking open and an item finishes cooking, the page will break and everything on the sidebar but Thumbs disappears. I'm not sure if it's every time or just sometimes, but that's what causes it. It seems to be an issue with the page trying to update its changes. Though this wasn't really an issue during the testing periods so I'm curious as to what could have caused this hiccup. I haven't been in a situation to experience it on mobile.

Others in the server have also mentioned this happening and the trend of what causes it but it would be nice to figure out why and fix it.

Desktop Win 10 Chrome.

1 year ago
The Exhausted
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Yep, this has happened to me. I was waiting to see if it happened one last time before reporting it. It's random and happens only once in a while when food finishes, most of the time when one finishes it's fine. I haven't had it happen when an entire batch finishes, just one piece.


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1 year ago
The Curious
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It just happened to me on desktop, and the food had just cleared a row (i.e. there were only six items out of twelve left). Does this square with anything y'all've observed?

…nevermind, it just happened with four things left when I refreshed. But, there was only one thing in the take box, fwiw?

1 year ago
The Curious
118 Achievements
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I just had something very similar happen on the Crafting page- the last item being crafted finished, and then the whole sidebar went poof (possibly related- I had just picked up the other one of the two items being crafted, and I did not have enough materials to make a third). This was on the Win 10 Firefox setup.

I mention because this means that the bug could be affecting all of the professions, and Cooking is just the most visible one because it has the most refreshes going on.

1 year ago
he/him, ae/aer
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This is happening to me as well at complete random. I leave cooking up in a tab and check periodically throughout the day and have not noticed any particular pattern or trigger for it.


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