ace bracc……. how much for 56967?
@corpse omg he is a little ace pup! I love that. Maybe somewhere around 200ms?
My Puppery! | My Wishlist!
@redwolf I have 23ms, if that's enough we can do the trade!
Woofs I'm looking for! | Wild Woof Hunting! | My Favorite <3 || NO FRIEND REQUESTS |
@Wildsinger perfect! I'll get it started!
would you be interested in a WW trade? i got a bunch of 5 digits in my contagion tab and some very matchy ones as well!
@corpse You've got some cuties! None of them really catch my eye though. The only wolf trades I'm really interested in are greyscale woofs that could be a good mate to this boy: https://www.lorwolf.com/Play/WolfDetails?id=54299
ok, no problem! unfortunately i cant afford it atm but the ace bracc looks lovely so im sure you'll sell it soon c:
That pair is likely to produce pups like that again, so maybe next time!
Added 2 new pairs, a pure gen 2 and a pure gen 3.
@Obsidian @XPandamoniumX @LunaVic @Wildsinger @Tserin @RavenUmbraLune @Summits @Duck @Peregrin @JinxxYouOweMe @LordMaroo @caethernyy @Irefe @Fainauriel
Got a couple pups from one of my newer pairings!
66438 - 25ms
66439 - 50ms OBO