Attention: Cooking Camp has begun!
1 year ago
Expanding mine while in transit will not give you 5 slots


Hey, bit of an annoying bug here. Fixable, but annoying nonetheless.

I decided to bite the bullet and use 25 of my moonstones to expand the mine, thinking it'd give me more of a guaranteed chance to smelt 3 bars (copper and iron sometimes don't perfectly fall into multiples of 5). Thing is, I expanded it while my wolf was already traveling to mine more ore. I came back to the mine after it was all mined, but noticed that the 5 inventory slots I had purchased had not been used.

I tried refreshing, but it didn't work, so I'm assuming it's not a clientside problem. So after going to smelt the ore, and traveling back, it seemed to work. But the initial purchase didn't. It's not a gamebreaking issue, but is there any chance that the mining cart's space can update immediately when it's purchased?

I haven't upgraded the cooking space yet, but I'm assuming it might have a similar problem, based on this experience. Apologies if my assumption is wrong.

Pics below.

1 year ago
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Thank you for the report. Sorry that this has annoyed you. The Bug Index has been updated to include this issue.


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1 year ago

My apologies, it's completely fine!

I meant "annoying" as “huh, that probably shouldn't happen”, and waiting 2 or so minutes for it to function as it should (going to smelter, smelting, and going back to mine).

I wasn't angry or anything over the issue, sorry for not using tone indicators to express what I actually meant. Thank you for including it in the bug index though.

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