So I'm gonna have some puppys from my starters in about 7 hours, and they have a very tight range so what comes out is rather clear so I wanted to start a thread to see if people would be interested, the Wolves for context:
Any of their pups would be:
-Blood Eyes
-Rest of the colors are all either Azure or Royal, so they could either end up as a double double, triple or quadruple
What I would accept for them(though you can offer other things, these are just what I'm most likely to accept/what I'm expecting people might offer):
-Wolves(just show them to me, more likely to want them if they're blue ranged or lower digit though I'm willing to look at any, also specifically looking for a Bracchus currently because the pups blep and I want one to be on brand)
-Companions who I don't own:(who I already own:Brown Moorbear, River Kapura, Shadow Kapura, Basidio, Tawny Rodill, Radiant Kuzma, Furlog Deer)
-also accepting FR offers, same Username as here
I would also start a pinglist if people are interested, just ask to be put on it :)