Attention: Fishing Frenzy has begun! Our September Dev Update has been posted here.
2 months ago
The Initiate
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I started playing less than a week ago, and have some questions about the Goldsea seasonal event.

1. How does the leveling work? It looks like it might be 1 point per goldsea activity completed. Is that correct?

2. Will any of the items in the Goldsea shop permanently retire? I read the news post but it was a bit unclear.

3. Any recommendations on what I should use my tickets on? I unlocked the pebble path, so I should be getting a reasonable amount of them.


2 months ago
The Legion
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@Kyo welcome to Lorwolf!
1. That is correct!
2. Not permanently, no. There are some items retiring, but they are 'soft retiring'. This basically means that they won't be as easily obtainable as they are now. They will still be obtainable but more expensive, harder to get and probably luck-based. I don't think plans are definitive yet, but last i heard the devs were planning on a sort of 'event box' that would cost a pretty penny and will randomly award a single soft-retired item from a previous event. As an easy reminder, retiring items have the event and year in their description (2024 Goldsea Seasonal). For this event specifically, the two elandi and two chameleon companions, as well as the radiant apparel set will be soft retiring. The companions under 'Goldsea Companions', the other apparel and the specialty items will return each Goldsea event (once per year). The remaining companions will return with every pack event (every 3 months)
3. I always try to get one of each item, and afterwards I would mostly focus on the items that are soft-retiring. The other items will return each year, so if you want doubles you can always get more of them later. If you do not get enough tickets to buy on of each, I'd focus on the soft-retiring first and the ones specific to Goldsea second.

Side note: Do not buy more than 1 of the specialty items (forum banner and forum decor). They are soul bound* and you can only use one per account, so any doubles will just rot in your inventory forever.
*Soul bound means you cannot sell or trade the items away.

2 months ago
The Initiate
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@Gaia thank you for the answers! It sounds like events here work similar to how they do on Flight Rising (the pet site I'm most familiar with) so that seems simple enough.
2 months ago
Do trinkets have any functionality purpose or?
2 months ago
The Legion
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@Thegoofyfox some of them are used as an 'ingredient' in hunting, and some just sell for a pretty penny when you vendor sell them. I'm not sure how up to date this thread is, but it lists which trinkets are used for hunting a few posts down. (It is worded a bit confusingly, as if hunting items are a separate category from trinkets, but you'll find the items listed under 'hunting items' in the thread, in the 'trinket' category in your inventory.


2 months ago
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Hello. I just spent 250k pebbles to expand my kitchen, but it didn’t expand.

Edit: Never mind! It expanded. ^^

2 months ago
The Loving
It / It's
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I know you can get rewards for companion leveling, what levels exactly? I thought one was at level 75 however I never got anything and mine are at level 77 currently, so I’m wanting to make sure I have the correct levels for when I get the rewards or if I’ve just got it wrong. Thank you ^^!

Opposite LW time + 6 Hrs. Collector of red and green wolves and cat companions. I give away pups including progen pups! > Golds Free Puppies!

2 months ago
The Legion
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@RedIsGold if you mean the achievement rewards, they are at lv30, 75, 175, 375 and 750. You do need to manually claim your achievement to get the reward though on this page:

in the last tab (Den)

1 month ago
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What options do we have to get rid of CA? They can't be scrapped in inventory, can't be sold in flea market, is the only option selling them via forum?

1 month ago
The Resourceful
56 Achievements
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If I can ask, how can I remove, close, or delete my account? Is their something on settings, because I haven't found it?


The Queen of Righteousness.

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