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4 months ago
The Legion
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@Lunar Howlers If you are specifically referring to wolf images you can use {Wolf(IDnumber)}
So for example my wolf 6100 would be {Wolf(_6100)} without the underscore so
You can do the same for items (but use 'Item' instead of 'Wolf' in the code), but I don't think there's any complete guides nor an easy way to figure out which ID belong to which item icon.

If you mean just any image, you'll first need to upload them on an image hosting website, and then use the little image icon in the text editor on the forums and inser the URL there.

4 months ago
Lunar Howlers
The Organized
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Thank you!
4 months ago
The Burnt Out
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Anyone else seeing a weird box around all the wolves when using dark mode? Is this a feature or a bug lol

4 months ago
The Restless
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is there a game database somewhere where I can see all the items in the game? And is there a way to preview apparel on a certain wolf?

3 months ago
Lunar Howlers
The Organized
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Another thing, how do I release wolves to explore Loria?
3 months ago
The Legion
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@Vyler I do see a box or frame around each wolf that is a slightly lighter shade of dark grey than the near-black background. Is that what you mean?

@Firefly No and no sadly, although both are very popular suggestions. I do remember someone making a google sheets that allowed you to attempt an apparel preview yourself, but with the discord gone I have no clue on where to find it now.

@Lunar Howlers (just to be sure, before I point you in the wrong direction) If you mean truly releasing it as in 'permanently removing it from your den' there's a little tree-icon next to the name of a wolf, when you are viewing that wolf's profile. Clicking it will give you a pop up message explaining the release feature, the rewards you'd get for releasing this specific wolf and a confirmation and cancellation button.
If you just mean to explore Loria and but remain in your den, that's the campagin feature.


3 months ago
The Burnt Out
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@Gaia Yeah exactly! That grey line/box did not used to be there. Its makes the den look super annoying. Now all the wolves are separated instead of being all together (and you can see it on the forums too)

3 months ago
The Tailor
[ It | He ]
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Hello again Itsy Bitsy Questions Thread: Where in the world do we find leaf piles?

edit: some rotated in through the MM! Still curious if they spawn in campaign

@Vyler we have the same bug though for us it’s limited to desktop - mobile browsers on ipad; UI clean of the dotted boxes ( with dark mode enabled )


Always buying Citrine Gems | Silk | Leaf Piles

3 months ago
The Legion
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@0x0 Stealing this answer from Alphaeon a little while back: If you've unlocked the "Cooking: Find Ingredients" encounter in the very first Goldsea area, that's a nice low-level area to farm them in. ^^ Otherwise, Murkwood is a good place to farm for them, since they are dropped by the Nytha in Barboa's Slough (second area) and the Colpach/Canactonis in Southmarsh (third area).

3 months ago
Lunar Howlers
The Organized
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Are companions maxed out at level 10?
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