@GenuinelyJay When you are on the wolf's profile, you'll see their name and #ID in the top left corner. Next to it you'll see a little pen icon that allows you to change the name. Next to that you'll find a little tree icon. Click that icon to release the wolf. There will be a confirmation pop up that shows you what you'll be getting from releasing and informing you that it is permanent.
@Refractor Apart from matching the symbols for a successful hunt, synergies are also crucial in combat. There's an old guide from the devs here explaining what the synergies are and how many you need on the team to get certain bonuses, However, it doesn't contain the 'consumed' synergy yet. But you can find the info on what that synergy does in the (event) gauntlet and arena, where you'll see a synergy tracker, showing you how much of each synergy you have on the team and which bonuses you've unlocked. If you hover over it with your mouse, a little tooltip will pop up explaining what that specific synergy bonus does.