@TmstrBlmstr I am not sure if anyone made a full list, but if you go to the companions page you can check the 'show all button' and type 'consumed' in the search bar. Sadly navigating pages will reset your search query, but if you first sort by name ascending, and then by name descending you should be able to get to see them all neatly arranged (By just checking 'show all', sorting by name, and not using any search words you'll be able to see them all as well, but they will be mixed with regular companions.)
For your convenience;
- Consumed algeel
- Consumed arturas
- Consumed aurox
- Consumed basidio
- Consumed bovius
- Consumed broch
- Consumed brother
- Consumed canictonis
- Consumed chirpota
- Consumed colpach
- Consumed cyrstalpin
- Consumed darkspine enderling
- Consumed deer
- Consumed dustraven
- Consumed echecara
- Consumed folium
- Consumed furmus
- Consumed gaudrey
- Consumed golden unicorn
- Consumed goldsea enderling
- Consumed grimalkin
- Consumed grouger
- Consumed holiday snowcat
- Consumed hydra
- Consumed icefisher stork
- Consumed icerun enderling
- Consumed ignatus
- Consumed kapros
- Consumed kapura
- Consumed keboko
- Consumed kickstarter krane
- Consumed kuzma
- Consumed lapistrix
- Consumed lunaria
- Consumed macauco
- Consumed machaira
- Consumed monstropod
- Consumed moorbear
- Consumed mullvad
- Consumed murkwood enderling
- Consumed mutterbird
- Consumed nytha
- Consumed orthrus
- Consumed pandosa
- Consumed pincher
- Consumed rockbreaker ox
- Consumed rodill
- Consumed simbur
- Consumed snowloon
- Consumed sparklequill
- Consumed teufel
- Consumed thrasher
- Consumed torcine
- Consumed varani
- Consumed vespen
- Consumed vulpactia
- Consumed zapscour
@BeastOfAurora There should be a button for you there to claim stuff, but it has been a while since I've done a trade, so I'm not quite sure anymore where that button might be. It is most likely in the message where the items were/are, and not at the bottom of the message chain. Don't worry though, once a trade has been completed, there is no way for the other party from keeping the items away from you.
If you still can't find the button, I am open to doing a test trade (a pebble for a pebble) to try and help you figure out what is going on.