Attention: Fishing Frenzy has begun!
1 year ago
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@Alphaeon Thanks for answering^^

1 year ago

hello folks!

I'm just starting my game and wondering if, once done growing, a crop will stay....good? alive? harvestable?.... forever?

or will it go bad at some point? I have always, so far, been pretty much right on top of my farming, but with higher level crops I suspect I won't be.

I am also curious if it's at all possible to 'bank' harvests for the 'harvest crop' activities, which would depend on their... going-bad-ness. (farming is.... not my favorite, haha.)

thanks! sorry for being longwinded. whoops

1 year ago
The Legion
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@onotomatopea Once finished they will remain harvestable forever. The only things that influences the amount of things you harvest is how well you kept them watered and composted during their growth and what your xp is with that specific crop. You can leave them finished for years without you losing anything.

I am not sure what you mean with banking harvests though.. Do you mean save them until the activity shows up so you can then claim it and have it count towards the activity, or something else?

As a sidenote though, the harvesting activity is about the plot, and not the amount of crops you get out of it. So whether a specific attempt yield 4 or 40 crops, it would still count as harvesting once.


1 year ago

Where can I get the recipe for Iron Wheels? I've been waiting for a couple days but it hasn't shown up in the Mole market, and the only copy in the Flea market is 10k 😭 Is there another way to get it or do I just have to keep waiting for the mole market to stock it?

1 year ago

Is there a cucumber for new recipes? I can't find it anywhere TwT


1 year ago
The Feral
Wild Woof Hunter
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Unfortunately, the Iron Wheel recipe is a Mole Market drop. If you're having trouble finding it the MM, and you don't want to purchase it for that much on the Flea Market, you can try and ask in the official LW discord if anyone has it stocking in their Mole Market that is willing to buy it for you.


It's speculated that the cucumbers aren't released yet. So far no known user has been able to obtain cucumbers.


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Art by the lovely Kazux

1 year ago
The Sensational
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How do people get different forum profile decorations?


1 year ago
The Feral
Wild Woof Hunter
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Some of the forum profile decorations/banners came from the kickstarter and alpha/beta before the site opened officially to the entire public and are considered "retired" items. You can find users selling those sometimes either in the Flea Market or Forum. You can also buy some forum banners/decorations from the Mole Market though.


Free Wolf Giveaway - Always open!

Art by the lovely Kazux

1 year ago

How do I sell items, like trinkets, outside of the flea market? They have a "sells for" in their description but I can't figure out how to actually sell.

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