I've noted down the method of obtaining every companion except for three; how are/were freed kapros, icefisher stork, and rockbreaker ox obtained?
I've noted down the method of obtaining every companion except for three; how are/were freed kapros, icefisher stork, and rockbreaker ox obtained?
Hello. I just bred 2 of my wolves - Ra and Whimsy. When I look at Whimsy, it says she’s Resting (9d 23h 57m). I didn’t realize this. Does this mean I can’t send the offspring to the next for 9 days? If so, I’m bummed because now I can’t breed Ra with someone else instead sooner. Also if so, I wish there wasn’t the option to breed if they are resting.
Hello, I have a couple more quick questions.
- I was wondering if there is a way to "lock" items so they don't get automatically consumed by clicking the feed button? I don't like that it keeps consuming raw fish and ingredients that I'm waiting to cook, but it's a pain to have to go back to the dogs' individual pages to feed them manually.
- Is there a way to earn the farming festival tickets other than the farming specific activities? Or do they refresh with more after harvesting 70 times? I haven't had any new ones show up and doing the math it doesn't look like you'd be able to get enough tickets through them to buy one of the companions.
@Polyhexian - as far as I'm aware, the freed kapros is obtained by a bracelet you can buy from the mole market. not 100% sure if this is correct, but it's what I've heard others say. unsure how to get the other two, sorry!
@Wolfster - when a wolf is in resting status, it means it can't be bred again until that amount of time has passed.
@Return - yes! if you go to your Den page, where it says Organise, Purchase Space, etc there's a "Manage Autofeed" button, where you can pick which food items you do and don't want to be consumed. as for the farming festival tickets, you can get them doing your first daily activities as well, as well as the "Abundant Activities" weekly event which awards tickets you can then trade in for other weekly event tickets. you won't get enough tickets for your first times going through the weekly events, but you don't lose them, so the next time a particular event is on your previously obtained tickets will carry over. :)
@Zeyh, thank you so much. I somehow missed the Manage Auto Feed button, but that's exactly what I was looking for - I was just looking in the wrong place trying to find something like that on the inventory page. This makes things so much easier, lol.
I'm guessing the weekly events just cycle through continually between the different professions and the "Abundant Activities" one?
In a lot of games I play events are either annual or a one-time thing, so it was odd that you wouldn't be able to get enough currency to buy something by completing all the tasks. But if you're meant to gather them over several instances of the event every X amount of weeks, that makes a lot more sense.
@Return - np! and yeah the events are on a weekly rotation and cycle through each profession. ^^
This has been solved. I’d love to delete this post. ^^
For the hunting, there's a timer that says it will automatically reroll your hunts on the daily reset, but it doesn't seem to happen?
I had a level 10 hunt I can't do because I don't have the required item, nor the right wolves/companions to have a high success rate so I was waiting for the daily reset hoping it would be replaced with a new one without having to spend money. But I still have the same one.
It happened to me yesterday as well and I thought it might be a one-time fluke or I just happened to roll the same hunt again but it's just happened a second time. Am I misunderstanding how it works?
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