My apologies if this question have already been asked and answered but-
The ‘’ Explore kills ‘’ activity doesn't count in when we encounter a hare, despite us getting meat from the hare, is there a reason why that is? It got me a bit confused at first but it doesn't really affect the gameplay but it mostly got me curious. Thank you! :D
@Toast ;; Guppies can't be cooked at the moment. But this might change in the future, as the dev team has added newer recipes before. I think (and this is just my speculation so don't take it as fact lol) that the higher fishing levels are meant to reward more fish than the lower levels. This makes it more advantageous for people who might not want to cook it, even if the stamina output when compared to cooking fish is lower. However, I do think that eventually, we will be able to cook them, I don't see why not.
@Pearfect ;; The “Explore Kills” activity only counts mobs you can attack, not encounters where you may get food. I'm guessing that since there are 2 explore-related activities ("normal explore" and “explore kills”) that the “explore kills” is meant to encourage players to fight the mobs, instead of just ignoring them, and hence interacting more with the explore feature.
(Sorry if this has already been asked, I tried searching for it and didn't come up with anything)
Is there a way to delete individual comments you've made (not other people's comments, to be clear)?
I know under “view my posts” you can delete your threads, but I couldn't see anywhere to delete specific comments. I'm not sure if I'm just missing something or if there just isn't currently a way. Thanks in advance to anyone who can help!
Is there a way to view breeding outcomes without owning both wolves/plans for a function like that yet? I'd love to see something like the offspring scrying in FR over here too!
I believe they carry over >> I have 13 hunting tickets in my inventory
I have a small question, I couldn't find a thread or anything about it >> Are wild wolf breeds only Lupin/Jocol/Kit? Or can they be all breeds? I feel like maybe Bracchus would be excluded since they're a kickstarter breed (right?), but can WWs also be Volmyr and Zerda?
My gut tells me it's just the first three, but I could always be wrong and I've only gotten one WW, so I wouldn't know from experience >>
I clicked too fast on quick actions - claim all notifications and didn’t get to see the notification. I have no idea what it was. is there a way we can look up past notifications?