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1 year ago
Tried to Spectate Bot in Arena, Got Kicked Out

I was the last player in the arena, two other bots were also left. One had a lot of health so I was going up against it for several rounds, while the second bot only had 1 health and was fighting a ghost me. After it survived two rounds against the ghost me, in the middle of one of my rounds I tried to click spectate on it to figure out how it was surviving. Instead of spectating or telling me I couldn't spectate bots, my arena page refreshed, kicking me out of the arena and I guess ending the entire thing. I can't go back to the arena and I was quite close to winning. I don't think I got any rewards at all from it either, but I'm not 100% on my total number of tickets before I started this round.


Marvin / Kolo ☆ he/him - 25y ☆ OC haver & Enjoyer

1 year ago

I want to say, I believe this happened to me a few days ago as well?

I was confused at first because I wasn't sure if I misclicked something, but after clicking spectate the next thing I realised was I was staring back at the menu screen of Arena.

I vaguely recall this happening after I attempted to return to viewing my own screen, but at the time I was so surprised I sort of forgot what the last action I took was.

I do know it was related to switching between viewing my own game and spectating another, but in my case it may possibly have been the other way around? So either I was kicked out attempting to spectate another game, or I was kicked out attempting to return to my own game.

Regardless, just commenting to say that I have definitely experienced the Arena kicking me out with no rewards without explaination or warning.

1 year ago

This happened to me as well, using chrome. I was kicked out while trying to spectate the bot I was fighting. I do believe I got my awards at the end. Something else weird happened as well.

When this happened I used the back button on my browser to try to get back to the right page instead of the arena lobby. When I did this it took me to the bot's page, but instead of the area where it would say “return to your game” or whatever similar text, the shop was there, and I was able to use the bot's paws to buy units. I was also able to move around the bots unit selections. I was unable to get back to my screen from this page. This was the final battle, so I don't know if this would have had any actual effect on the game, or if I would have been able to get back to my page in some other way.

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