Attention: Hunting Holiday has begun!
1 year ago
[H]G2 double, WW Kit [W]G2 pups, WW Jocol/Kit, currency, etc

My progen pair gave me a double pup. Specifically Azure/Ultramarine/Fossil/Horizon/Fossil Jocol with Stripes/Merle/Cozen. Looking for another G2 pup in exchange, preferably something with similar ranges (black-white Under and Base colours, blue-range Accent and Top colours. Blue-range eyes are a bonus. Look at progens and other G2 pups for an example!). But I may be open to other pups as well, especially Volmyr, Zerda, and Bracchus breeds. Also open to outright selling her. ID# is 11899. Pup has a new home! Just the WW now.

Meanwhile, I snagged this WW from Bloodmoon Grove May 8th. I've leveled her up to 3 (almost 4 at time of posting) since I've been debating whether I want to keep her or not. I'm not super attached, so I'm open to offers! Willing to trade her and the pup above for a Bracchus/Volmyr pup, but also open to trading her for another Kit or Jocol WW, or just selling her outright.


Reply here or send me a PM with inquiries if interested!

Edit: Found another WW! Another Kit, this one male. I'm not interested in keeping him, but I think his colours are quite nice together! Also looking to trade or sell him.



1 year ago
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