Attention: Hunting Holiday has begun!
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1 year ago
The Stinky
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This is incredibly dangerous

I finally got a knife copper sword! When I put it on…

there…. there's no???? sheath?????? what??? why???

aren't they just gonna constantly get cut??

the more and more I look at this the more off putting it is I can't help but imagine it just bounces and they get cut every time they move


1 year ago
The Independent
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I think it's just aesthetic purposes that it's like this, to match the blade's color with the wolf, many prefer it since it looks more majestic even if for practicality it's better to have a sheath. It would be nice as another apparel to have a sheath to look more realistic :)

1 year ago

sometimes we gotta make sacrifices in the name of fashion

1 year ago
The Star
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Don't worry it's not a problem as long as your wolf never ever ever moves

Everything will be fine (:

1 year ago
The Stinky
Mirror Pronouns
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@Vanitatum I don't see how an unsheathed sword on a hilt is more aesthetically pleasing or majestic personally, especially because this sword has no decorative carvings on the metal. A beautiful leather sheath is the most aesthetically pleasing part of a hilted sword to me.

its not just impractical and dangerous, it just looks wrong and out of place. Not to mention, there's no support, realistically the sword would be more like this as it is now, and it would cause a lot of strain to the body because of the concentrated weight.

but if it has to stay like this

I would love a crafting recipe for a sheathed sword and with different colors and patterns for the sheath


1 year ago
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@SovereignFives I see where you’re coming from, but as someone who finds the sword aesthetically pleasing, I don’t see the reason for changing it. It’s really just objective.

I wouldn’t object to a recipe for a sword with a sheath though, it seems like something we’ll receive eventually.

1 year ago

I mean I like the sword as it is right now, my wolves can make some sacrifices in the name of fashion. Plus, this is a fantasy wolf breeding sim, I don't think objects/apparel being the height of realism really matters lol. But I'm also up for slight variations in apparel, makes wolves look more unique with similar objects.

1 year ago
The Nimble
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If the sword was positioned as suggested, wolves wouldn't be able to draw it in combat. Also just moving with a bare blade like that isn't tooo harmful as long as you're VERY aware of where your hands are going when you're using it. Swords are only dangerous if there's actual force behind swings.

-Very ADHD with scattered thoughts
1 year ago
The Stinky
Mirror Pronouns
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@Synesthesia Force as in the force from running and jumping that wolves would be doing constantly? Sure it wouldn't be life threatening but it would still cut. And I never was suggesting any position, I'm saying the way it's positioned in the art is physically impossible due to it not having the support for it, and demonstrating it. If I were suggesting anything it would be for the support to be there in the first place.


1 year ago
The Nimble
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I've seen actual swords sit like that one people. Generally the swords goes the same direction the wolf would be running in. At most they'd get smacked by it a couple of times with the flat of the blade. You can get that sort of balance in a weapon too, with a more weighted hilt.

It's difficult to explain, but there's a fair amount of leverage points and physics involved. An object's motion goes with the person it's being tied to/restrained. In this case there might be slight bouncing, but it's not harmful. It's more like just clapping your hands, or having a bag just keep bumping into you.

I've…. been to too many Renn faires and have way too many swords myself. It's sitting in a non dangerous spot for sure.

-Very ADHD with scattered thoughts
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