Saving a spot!
puppies here
first puppy , second puppy , third puppy
They're here!!
saving a spot for my pups who will be born in 90 minutes!
2 hours heheh
I KNEW I was getting time skewed lol
keeping this one!
double carob!
and just a nice fella!
My starters' firstborn is CUTE aaa :D
Skye ✧ they/them ✧ adult ✧ sparkles enthusiast ✧ signature art
only two! but they're pretty cute!
My progens gave birth to these lovelies:
Traded the second one for a zerda scroll, the first one is up for trade. But I managed to grab this lovely lady for myself.
First one traded as well. Both went to good homes!
EDIT: Managed to grab two more cuties. That's it for me. Happy Pupocalypse everyone!
Lord and Lady Blacktail had FOUR pups!
11498 - 11499 - 11500 - 11501All four girls, to the Blacktails' mild dismay.Great lore material, though!