Heres where I post my stuff I’ve currently created or have to upload, I don’t often get enough for a design token, so I guess if you like one of my stuffs that aren’t uploaded yet, you can ping me and ask to pre-order. pre-ordering does 2 things
You pay or gift me the token
You get one of the apparel back for free when it gets approved
only a single person can fund a single apparel at once. And you only get one copy of said apparel for free
i will also do customs for 200ms as long as its for 1 species and you provide a token.
Currently have 0/2 custom apparel slots taken
my customs are cheap so be fast.
If you DONT want to have your custom apparel shared or re-printed PLEASE tell me ahead of time, this way I can keep all the copies to send to you via upload
Current slots taken and the designs status: