ldp please!
Got you down!
I'm just a silly little dragon playing a silly little wolf game <3
@Sucrose @Isegard @minim @Duck @Rai @Fieryblood @Lai @Death @Dark @Panther @monarch @matcha @dransnake
Hello everyone! This is your LDP for the WW ID#10000 auction! This auction will end in approximately 24 hours on May 15th, 10pm LW time (so long as snipe guard doesn't prolong the auction).
The current highest bidder is Rai with 70,000g.
Good luck!
@Rai 75kg (mixed bid)
Nature sprite - 2150g
Treasure - 5 million
Windbound plumage - 9.3kg
Gems - 58,550
SIDWA - Special ID pinglist and more
LW time + 5
@minim 80kg
@Rai 85kg (mixed bid)
Gems - 68,550