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[WW encounters] Suggestions for a better encounter system

I'm with a lot of other players that I think encounter should be rarer and the chance of getting a wild wolf after you find it is guaranteed. For me the excitement of actually getting a wild wolf from an encounter was equivalent to the excitement of running into one in the first place, but the disappointment of not getting one actually genuinely hurt, and doesn't make getting one more exiting, it just makes the process frustrating.

My solution:

First, make it rarer.

Second, remove pure encounter prompts entirely, every explore prompt(except quest) has a chance of getting an encounter through it.

Sniffing for berries? You catch the trail of a wolf instead! Complete a battle? You rescued a wild wolf! Discover: Something, it's a wild wolf! Go through a cave? There's a wild wolf in there! And so on.

This would encourage more healthy campaign habits since every encounter could have a wild wolf, it would mean the market is more saturated with items because people get them while grinding for wild wolves, rather than skipping a lot of them.


1 year ago
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agreed! especially the “discover something” and the cave event could benefit from having a small chance of yielding a Wildie instead since they're just big time-wasters now.

1 year ago
The Restless
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I agree, I think more rare sightings of Wild wolves but a better chance of keeping them would be nice. I had well over 30 encounters before finding my most recent wild wolf. I'd rather see the events less if it meant that I had a better chance of actually getting one when I did see one.

Also I love the idea of having a chance to encounter a wild wolf while actually doing the other prompts.

I went to the suggestions board today to suggest adding a way to skip over certain encounters so I didn't have to click as much. But honestly, I like your ideas much more and they make sense.


1 year ago

I'm sorry, but I really would not like them to make the encounters rarer in any way. I have spoken about why this would ultimately make the experience more frustrating in another thread before. I do like the other elements of the idea, but I think that we need to wait and see how the proposed token system will actually play out once it is implemented before we look for an alternative system.

I don't see any reason to change the way WWs are encountered, once the token system is implemented. However, I don't think that adding the possibility for WWs to appear randomly through other events (like you suggested) is a bad idea at all. But I would like to see it on top of the proposed token system - and the same rates for directly encountering WWs as we already have.

1 year ago
The Legion
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I completely agree with Lyu!


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