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1 year ago
Site's Stance on Glitched Wolves (2L names)

My very first WW came generated with a 2L name that I decided to keep. I really like the name and I think it suits her.

I found out later that her name is actually a glitch. 2L names are not able to be applied to wolves, and you cannot give pronouns to a wolf with a 2L name (it will not let you save the pronouns unless you add another letter to the name)

I would like to keep my wolf's name, and I would like to be sure that it will not be changed.

However, I think we should also know if there is going to be any intention to allow 2L names in the future. I have seen a few people express interest in purchasing a 2L name wolf, and due to their glitched status, people may be prepared to pay a significant amount. If there is any intention to allow 2L names soon then it would probably be good for players to know this before they spend any money trying to get a glitched wolf.

So, since I've seen a few moderators commenting in response to threads with information about things like this, is it possible to hear what Lorwolf's stance on glitched wolves / 2L names is?

1 year ago
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Hi @Lyu, I would hold off on selling that wolf as I reach out to the Developer team over this issue as the wolf may have its name changed by Staff to avoid any save issues.

Edit: To add to this Lorwolf's Terms of Service does state:

  1. Exploit our Services. Users are not allowed to share, promote, or engage in any behavior that utilizes loopholes or glitches within our services. Any activity that compromises the original intention of our services must be reported immediately.

As this 2L is a glitch, profiting or keeping the glitch would likely go against the terms of service.


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1 year ago

@Quiche Hi there! I really appreciate you getting back to me and being clear on the situation. I have no intention to sell the glitched wolf. I love them and would like to keep them, if possible (with their name intact)

I will say that many players here are coming over from Flight Rising, where they are used to being able to freely sell, trade and keep 2L named dragons even though they are a glitch.

Flight Rising also does not allow players to exploit glitches, but with very similar wording in their TOS, they do not retroactively change any harmless glitches, nor prevent the trade or sale of glitched dragons. There is nothing in Lorwolf's TOS that implies it would behave differently to Flight Rising in this regard.

Obviously, Lorwolf's stance as a site may differ in this regard, but I say this as a warning that I doubt it would be well received for the game to treat harmless glitches in such a way as it is not what your primary audience is used to.

I was not the one who named this wolf, it came generated with this name. I feel it would be incredibly unfair for a player to be told that they are ‘going against the terms of service.’ by keeping an item as it was generated.

If 2L names are intended to remain disallowed, then they should likely be removed from the name generator.

I just know I would be deeply upset if my wolf's name had to be changed, as she is my first WW and I love her name a lot.

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@Lyu I will pass your sentiments along and your reference to Flight Rising to the dev team.


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1 year ago
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I'll add to this to make the argument that 2L names have no reason to be restricted anyway as far as I'm aware.

FR disallowed 2L names because the 2 letter named dragons would flood the searches because any dragon with these two letters would show up when something containing them was typed- which even then I think this is a silly decision- but Lorwolf doesn't even have a wolf search, and if it plans to implement one can't it just make one that doesn't have this issue since it can be prepared for such a problem?

Eg- adding an “Exact Match” filter

1 year ago

@Quiche Thank you so much! I really appreciate it! <3

I also agree with user @Lai

It would be appreciated to know what the reason for name letter limits is in the first place. Flight Rising has always declared the issue was primarily related to their search system, just as Lai said. But with Lorwolf lacking one (and the search system on FR not even really being too negatively effected, as far as I'm aware) then the reason is unclear.

Two letter names are very popular: Ra, Jo, Mo, Po, CJ, JD.

If there is a technical limitation related to two-letter names then transparency would be appreciated. Otherwise, it would be nice to see two letter names allowed. Players have been wanting to see them allowed on Flight Rising for years.

I want it to be clear that my interest in my 2L wolf is sentimental, not based upon any desire for value or profit. I would be very, very happy to see 2L names allowed for all wolves (or even 1L names) if possible.

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@Lai Adding this to the note to devs! Thanks for this insight!

@Lyu Thank you for your expanded explanation. I'll get back to you on this asap or you'll hear from the devs directly!


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I usually don't ping so I don't waste your time but I'll say it now and for future reference when you answer questions and such-

thank you, your responses are really appreciated! :')

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@Lai Thank you so much for the compliment, I'm just trying my best to help out our community together and your insights have been incredibly helpful. I appreciate when others help to expand upon a discussion so we can see all the sides of the matter and I can bring all the details condensed to the devs' notice to help them out as well as they juggle all their hats.


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1 year ago

I would like to add that I also wish 2-letter names were allowed! Some of the coolest names imo are Ox, Oz, Vi, Ra, Ib etc and its a shame that so many sites dont allow them


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@Lyu @Lai @vex I'd like to say that the devs got back to me after a meeting. The next prod push will allow users to rename their wolves down to 2L. Thanks for your patience!


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