Attention: Hunting Holiday has begun!
1 year ago
Remove Cooldowns

I don't really see the point in all the cooldowns surrounding assigning wolves to professions and parties. It feels unnecessarily limiting and I'm not sure what problem it's trying to solve? Why prohibit people from experimenting with party set ups? Why prohibit people from replacing zero energy wolves with fresh wolves? It's also just really confusing to new players. I've seen it reported as a bug, and when I first encountered it I also thought it was a bug.

1 year ago
The Pugilist
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Agreed, I don't fully understand the point but maybe I'm missing something.

1 year ago

I imagine it's so people don't quickly cycle through wolves without feeding/waiting for energy to regain to slow down item farming. You could get a lot of fish (for example) in a short amount of time if you had a den full of full energy wolves you could quickly switch between

It's annoying sure, but I can understand where it's coming from from a balancing sense

1 year ago


I mean, no more fish than if you had enough food to feed your wolf the whole way through? You still have to contend with the fishing limits.

idk, I just don't get how it's doing any balancing. If someone has enough wolves to cycle through them endlessly, then they probably also have the capability to farm an insane amount of food. What's the difference between them cycling or farming and then endlessly feeding their wolves? I already don't have to worry about energy because I have such a wild amount of food. It's endless. I've not had energy stop me from doing an activity since the launch day. I don't see why we gotta force people to interact with food if they've gone to the trouble of accumulating a ton of wolves. Sounds like it can be a perk they get for having a ton of wolves. And it's an artificial barrier anyway, it doesn't even stop the thing it's supposed to stop. All it seems to do is limit and confuse newer players.

1 year ago

Yeah that's fair. It doesn't bug me but I can see why people wouldn't like it, I was just saying what I thought the thought process behind it might've been

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