@Wisteria Please only one entry, but if you want to link to your entered design on other poses that's fine, and will increase your chances of winning. You can change your entry up until I begin judging on Monday.
I wanted a gas mask/respirator thing for my progens, ended up making it work on all poses. My first Lorwolf attempt so I'm just hoping this fits with the site's artstyle!
Decided to enter my Solar Eclipse Halo design to this, I currently have one other CA that's in the queue but don't have enough MS for another token. It'll be available for all breeds and poses!
Disregard - I got sponsored! Good luck to the other entrants! Here's my entry - a red-tailed hawk companion for wolves of all shapes and sizes! It'll be available for every breed and pose.
Hi! I figured I'd throw my shot in. These are crystal necklaces! They will only be available for F Zerda and M Volmyr and I will be keeping two copies.
They were designed specifically for my progens/starters who gained these in their lore and treat them kind of like wedding rings.