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1 year ago
Favorite Ways to Battle

Hi all! I'm working my way through the first campaign quests and looking at which companions to buy first!

I'm a little confused on how the Synergies all work so I'm wondering what your favorites have been!

(Side note that the huge amount of hovering over stuff on the site to learn about it is frustrating. It'd be nice to see it all at once.)

The ones that look most useful to me are the Assailant (red), Protector (blue), Dueler (orange), and Tactician (pink) synergies.

I'm struggling to see where Rogue (purple) might be useful, unless everyone on your team is a rogue? Having your team split up their attacks would kill all the enemies slower, and you'd take more damage in the meantime, right? Usually when you're facing lots of enemies, you want to focus on defeating one at a time, so they get fewer hits on you.

1 year ago

i like poison and healing but i'm not sure if they're most effective

1 year ago
The Tenacious
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I had the most luck in campaign using my wolves that got the first protector buff (you need 3 blue shield marks between them). Cleared every campaign battle with two wolves that had that buff shared between them.


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1 year ago
The Exhausted
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Once a companion comes along that has double primal + healer, then I'll finally have my ideal team of 2 bracchus, 1 volmyr, 1 canictonis, and 1 dp+h companion.

This way I get the following synergy boons:

Assailant(4) - Increase damage dealt by all allies by 20.0%.

Healer(3) - All allies start the battle with a healing over time effect. This lasts 2 turns.

Primal(5) - 3 random enemies start the battle with poison dealing 50.0% of their health as damage over 5 turns.

Dueler(2) - Allies have a 10.0% chance to perform an extra turn.

Don't know if that's the most efficient team, either, but it's my favourite. Just gotta wait for that double primal + healer companion……

★ Roux ★ Adult ★ LWT+1 ★ Ping @27 ★
1 year ago

I've found a party that is awesome against bosses! It's 2 Lupin and 1 Canictonis swan in the back, plus a Kit and a Mostropod in the front. Protector 6, Assailant 4, Primal 3, and Tactician 1, but the Fortify and Poison abilities are really what matter. They're only level 2/4/5/6/6 and they can always kill the level 13 bosses. Their usefulness varies against the 3-packs, but they survive. They probably wouldn't do great in the gauntlet, though, since there's no healing.

My current gauntlet team is a Jocol and Furmus in front, plus 2 Lupin and 1 Jocol in the back. They usually complete 8 or 9 levels, and can get luckier too— my highest level completed is 12.

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