Working correctly:
- Paragraph, H1-H6, B/I/S/U
- Images
Not working fully:
- UL/Li lists
Tables/Table Properties not working - only the simplest version
Some of the edits can be seen in the editor before saving but not displayed live
Span/table/d i v styles on profiles
span/table styles on forums
In the source code, each new line is automatically wrapped in a p tag, which isn't needed and sometimes is inconvenient
The first day of launch, I was able to add table styling and there wasn't many issues.. but from now and then something has prevented these changes from being made. I wasn't sure if it was user permissions or the editor itself broke?
If there's options to have a feature, it should be working properly and easy to use, especially with a full launch, but know there's a bit going on around the site that requires more attention
Something a lot of people have been asking for is a way to align text.. that should definitely be a button in the editor :)
Sorry for the poor wording,,